Specifying a country_code with the COUNTRY runtime option determines:
  • Date and time formats
  • The currency symbol
  • The decimal separator
  • The thousands separator
COUNTRY affects only the Language Environment NLS services, not the Language Environment locale callable services.

Tip: You can set the country value using the COUNTRY runtime option or the CEE3CTY callable service.

The default value for non-CICS applications is COUNTRY(US) .

The default value for CICS® applications is COUNTRY(US) .

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A 2-character code that indicates to Language Environment the country on which to base the default settings. Table 1 contains a list of valid country codes.

Usage notes

  • If you specify an unsupported country_code , Language Environment accepts the value and issues an informational message.

    If an unsupported country_code is specified on the COUNTRY runtime option and one of the services listed in National Language Support callable services is called with the optional country_code parameter omitted, the called service returns its specified default value.

  • Language Environment provides locales used in C and C++ to establish default formats for the locale-sensitive functions and locale callable services, such as date and time formatting, sorting, and currency symbols. The COUNTRY setting does not affect these locale-sensitive functions and locale callable services.

    To change the locale, you can use the setlocale() library function or the CEESETL callable service. These affect only C/C++ locale-sensitive functions and Language Environment locale callable services, not the COUNTRY runtime option.

    To ensure that all settings are correct for your country, use COUNTRY and either CEESETL or setlocale().

    The settings of CEESETL or setlocale() do not affect the setting of the COUNTRY runtime option. COUNTRY affects only Language Environment NLS and date and time services. setlocale() and CEESETL affect only C/C++ locale-sensitive functions and Language Environment locale callable services.

  • The COUNTRY setting affects the format of the date and time in the reports generated by the RPTOPTS and RPTSTG runtime options

For more information