CEECMI—Store and load message insert data

CEECMI copies message insert data and loads the address of that data into the Instance Specific Information (ISI) associated with the condition being processed. CEECMI also allocates storage for the ISI, if necessary. The number of ISIs per thread is determined by the MSGQ runtime option. ISIs are released when the value specified in the MSGQ runtime option is exceeded. The least recently used ISI is overwritten.

If you plan on using a routine that signals a new condition with a call to the CEESGL callable service, you should first call CEECMI to copy any insert information into the ISI associated with the condition.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

>>-CEECMI--(--cond_rep--,-- insert_seq_num--,--insert_data--,--->


cond_rep (input/output)
A condition token that defines the condition for which the q_data_token is retrieved.
insert_seq_num (input)
A 4-byte integer that contains the insert sequence number (such as insert 1 insert 2). It corresponds to an insert number specified with an ins tag in the message source file created by the CEEBLDTX EXEC.
insert_data (input)
A halfword-prefixed length string that represents the insert data. The entire length described in the halfword prefix is used without truncation. DBCS strings must be enclosed within shift-out (X'0E') and shift-in (X'0F') characters. The maximum size for an individual insert data item is 254 bytes.
fc (output)
A 12-byte feedback code, optional in some languages, that indicates the result of this service. If you choose to omit this parameter, refer to Invoking callable services for the appropriate syntax to indicate that the feedback code was omitted.

The following symbolic conditions can arise from this service:

Code Severity Message number Message text
CEE000 0 The service completed successfully.
CEE0EB 3 0459 Not enough storage was available to create a new instance specific information block.
CEE0EC 1 0460 Multiple instances of the condition token with message number message-number and facility ID facility-id were detected.
CEE0ED 3 0461 The maximum number of unique message insert blocks was reached. This condition token had its I_S_info field set to 1.
CEE0EE 3 0462 Instance specific information for the condition token with message number message-number and facility ID facility-id could not be found.
CEE0EF 3 0463 The maximum size for an insert data item was exceeded.
CEE0H9 3 0553 An internal error was detected in creating the inserts for a condition.

Usage notes

  • z/OS UNIX consideration—In multithread applications, CEECMI applies to message insert data for only the calling thread.

For more information


  1. Following is an example of CEECMI called by C/C++.
    /*Module/File Name: EDCCMI    */
        **                                               *
        ** FUNCTION: CEENCOD - set up a condition token  *
        **         : CEECMI  - store and load message    *
        **                     insert data               *
        **         : CEEMSG  - retrieve, format, and     *
        **                     dispatch a message to     *
        **                     message file              *
        **                                               *
        **   This example illustrates the invocation of  *
        **   the Lang. Environ. message services to      *
        **    store and load message insert data.        *
        **   The resulting message and insert is written *
        **   to the Lang. Environ. MSGFILE ddname.       *
        **                                               *
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <leawi.h>
    #include <ceeedcct.h>
    void main ()
      _INT2 c_1,c_2,cond_case,sev,control;
      _CHAR3 facid;
      _INT4 isi;
      _VSTRING insert;
      _FEEDBACK ctok;
      _FEEDBACK fbcode;
      _INT4 MSGFILE;
      _INT4 insert_no ;
      /* Condition Token Declarations */
       * EXMPLMSG is a token that represents message      *
       * number 10 in a user message file constructed     *
       * using the CEEBLDTXT facility.                    *
       * Message 10 is designed to allow one insert.      *
      insert.length = 18;
      memcpy(insert.string ,"<CEPGCMI's insert>",
      /*give ctok value of hex 0000000A40E7D4D700000000   */
      /*sev = 0  msgno =  10 facid = XMP                  */
       c_1 = 0;
       c_2 = 10;
       cond_case = 1;
       sev = 0;
       control = 0;
       isi = 0;
      /* Call CEENCOD to set-up a condition token */
       if ( _FBCHECK ( fbcode , CEE000 ) != 0 )
        printf("CEENCOD failed with message number %d\n",
      /* Call CEECMI to create a message insert */
       CEECMI(&ctok, &insert_no, &insert, &fbcode);
       if ( _FBCHECK ( fbcode , CEE000 ) != 0 )
        printf("CEECMI failed with message number %d\n",
      /* Call CEEMSG to issue the message       */
       CEEMSG(&ctok, &MSGFILE , &fbcode);
       if ( _FBCHECK ( fbcode , CEE000 ) != 0 )
        printf("CEEMSG failed with message number %d\n",
  2. Following is an example of CEECMI called by COBOL.
          *Module/File Name: IGZTCMI
          **                                            *
          ** Function: CEECMI  - Store and load message *
          **                     insert data            *
          **         : CEENCOD - Construct a condition  *
          **                     token                  *
          **         : CEEMSG  - Dispatch a Message.    *
          **                                            *
          **   This example illustrates the invocation  *
          **   of the Lang. Environ. message services to*
          **    store and load message insert data. *
          **   CEENCOD is called to construct a token   *
          **   for a user defined message (message 10)  *
          **   in a user message file.                  *
          **   CEECMI is called to insert text into     *
          **   message 10. The resulting message and    *
          **   insert is written to the MSGFILE.        *
          **                                            *
           PROGRAM-ID. CBLCMI.
           DATA DIVISION.
           01  INSERTNO                PIC S9(9) BINARY.
           01  CTOK                    PIC X(12).
           01  FBCODE.
               02  Condition-Token-Value.
               COPY  CEEIGZCT.
                   03  Case-1-Condition-ID.
                       04  Severity        PIC S9(4) BINARY.
                       04  Msg-No          PIC S9(4) BINARY.
                   03  Case-2-Condition-ID
                             REDEFINES Case-1-Condition-ID.
                       04  Class-Code      PIC S9(4) BINARY.
                       04  Cause-Code      PIC S9(4) BINARY.
                   03  Case-Sev-Ctl    PIC X.
                   03  Facility-ID     PIC XXX.
               02  I-S-Info            PIC S9(9) BINARY.
           01  MSGDEST                 PIC S9(9) BINARY.
           01  SEV                     PIC S9(4) BINARY.
           01  MSGNO                   PIC S9(4) BINARY.
           01  CASE                    PIC S9(4) BINARY.
           01  SEV2                    PIC S9(4) BINARY.
           01  CNTRL                   PIC S9(4) BINARY.
           01  FACID                   PIC X(3).
           01  ISINFO                  PIC S9(9) BINARY.
           01  VSTRING.
               05  INSERT-TXTL         PIC S9(4) BINARY.
               05  INSERT-TXT          PIC X(80).
          *   Set up token fields for creation of a      *
          *   condition token for the user defined       *
          *   message file and message number.           *
               MOVE   0 TO SEV.
               MOVE  10 TO MSGNO.
               MOVE   1 TO CASE.
               MOVE   0 TO SEV2.
               MOVE   0 TO CNTRL.
               MOVE "XMP" TO FACID.
               MOVE   0 TO ISINFO.
          *  Call CEENCOD to construct a condition token *
                                    SEV2, CNTRL, FACID,
                                    ISINFO, CTOK, FBCODE.
               IF NOT CEE000 of FBCODE  THEN
                   DISPLAY "CEENCOD failed with msg"
                       Msg-No of FBCODE UPON CONSOLE
                   STOP RUN
          *   Call CEECMI to store and load message     *
          *   insert 1.                                 *
               MOVE "<CEPGCMI""s insert>" TO INSERT-TXT.
               MOVE 19 TO INSERT-TXTL.
               MOVE 1 TO INSERTNO.
          *   Call CEEMSG to write message to MSGFILE   *
               MOVE 2 TO MSGDEST.
               IF  NOT CEE000 of FBCODE  THEN
                   DISPLAY "CEEMSG failed with msg "
                       Msg-No of FBCODE UPON CONSOLE
                   STOP RUN
  3. Following is an example of CEECMI called by PL/I.
     IBMCMI: Proc Options(Main);
       /*Module/File Name: IBMCMI                        */
        **                                                *
        ** FUNCTION  : CEECMI  - store and load message   *
        **                      insert data               *
        **           : CEEMSG  - retrieve, format, and    *
        **                      dispatch a message to     *
        **                      message file              *
        **                                                *
        **   This example illustrates the invocation of   *
        **   LE/370 message services to store and load    *
        **   message insert data. The resulting message   *
        **   and insert are written to the MSGFILE.       *
        **                                                *
        DCL 01 CTOK,                    /* Feedback token */
               03 MsgSev    REAL FIXED BINARY(15,0),
               03 MsgNo     REAL FIXED BINARY(15,0),
               03 Flags,
                  05 Case      BIT(2),
                  05 Severity  BIT(3),
                  05 Control   BIT(3),
               03 FacID     CHAR(3),    /* Facility ID */
               03 ISI   /* Instance-Specific Information */
                           REAL FIXED BINARY(31,0);
        DCL 01 FBCODE,                 /* Feedback token */
               03 MsgSev    REAL FIXED BINARY(15,0),
               03 MsgNo     REAL FIXED BINARY(15,0),
               03 Flags,
                  05 Case      BIT(2),
                  05 Severity  BIT(3),
                  05 Control   BIT(3),
               03 FacID     CHAR(3),    /* Facility ID */
               03 ISI   /* Instance-Specific Information */
                           REAL FIXED BINARY(31,0);
        /* Ctok is initialized in the DECLARE statement  */
        /* to message 10 in a user message file          */
        /* constructed using the CEEBLDTX tool.          */
        /* Message 10 is designed to allow one insert.   */
        /* The message facility ID is XMP.               */
        insert = '<CEPGCMI's insert>';
        insert_no = 1;
        /* Call CEECMI to create a message insert */
        Call CEECMI(ctok, insert_no, insert, *);
        /* Call CEEMSG to issue the message       */
        MSGFILE = 2;
        Call CEEMSG(ctok, MSGFILE, *);
     End IBMCMI;