Derivation: ARGument PARSE

ARGPARSE specifies if command-line arguments to a C/C++ program are to be parsed. This option does not apply to non-C/C++ languages and can be specified with the #pragma runopts directive or the ARGPARSE or NOARGPARSE compiler option.

Restriction: You cannot set this option at the system level, region level, or in the CEEBXITA assembler user exit interface

The default value for non-CICS applications is ARGPARSE.

ARGPARSE is ignored under CICS®.

The default value for AMODE 64 applications is ARGPARSE.

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Specifies that arguments given on the command line are to be parsed and given to the main() function in the usual C argument format (argv, and argc).
Specifies that arguments given on the command line are not parsed but are passed to the main() function as one string. Therefore, argc has a value of 2, and argv[1] contains a pointer to the command-line string.
Note: NOARGPARSE is ignored for programs that utilize spawn() or exec() or for any program that is started by the z/OS® UNIX System Services shell or by the BPXBATCH utility.

Usage notes

You must specify ARGPARSE for the REDIR runtime option to have an effect.

For more information

See REDIR | NOREDIR (C only) for a description of REDIR.