Calls to CEESECS in C or C++

/*Module/File Name:  EDCDT1   */
 /*                                                       */
 /*Function       : CEESECS - convert timestamp to seconds*/
 /*                                                       */
 /*This example calls the LE CEESECS callable service     */
 /* to compute the hour number of numbers between the     */
 /* timestamps 11/02/92 05:22 and 11/02/92 17:22. The     */
 /* program responds that 36 hours has elapsed.           */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <leawi.h>
#include <ceeedcct.h>
main ()
  _VSTRING StartTime;
  _VSTRING EndTime;
  _VSTRING  picstr;
  _FLOAT8 Start_Secs;
  _FLOAT8 End_Secs;
  _FLOAT8 Elapsed_Time;
  _INT4 dest=2;
   The date picstr must be set to match the timestamp format.
   strncpy (picstr.string,"MM/DD/YY HH:MI",14);
   picstr.length = 14;

   strncpy(StartTime.string,"11/02/92 05:22",14);
   StartTime.length = 14;
   strncpy(EndTime.string,"11/03/92 17:22",14);
   EndTime.length = 14;

   CEESECS takes the start time and returns
   a double-precision Lilian seconds tally in Start_Secs.
   CEESECS ( &StartTime, &picstr , &Start_Secs , &FC );
   if ( _FBCHECK (FC , CEE000) == 0 )
   CEESECS takes the end time and returns
   a double-precision Lilian seconds tally in End_Secs.
     CEESECS ( &EndTime, &picstr , &End_Secs , &FC );
     if ( _FBCHECK (FC , CEE000) == 0 )
       Elapsed_Time = (End_Secs - Start_Secs)/3600.0;
       printf("%4.2f hours have elapsed between %s and %s.\n",
           Elapsed_Time, StartTime.string, EndTime.string);
       printf ( "Error converting TimeStamp to seconds.\n" );
       CEEMSG(&FC, &dest, NULL);
    printf ( "Error converting TimeStamp to seconds.\n" );
    CEEMSG(&FC, &dest, NULL);