Using PL/I I/O statements

Runtime messages in PL/I routines are directed to the file specified by the Language Environment MSGFILE runtime option, instead of to the PL/I SYSPRINT STREAM PRINT file.

User-specified output is still directed to the PL/I SYSPRINT STREAM PRINT file by default. To direct this output to the Language Environment MSGFILE file, specify the runtime option MSGFILE(SYSPRINT).

  • Any file constant declaration that includes SYSPRINT STREAM PRINT file attributes is ignored.
  • File attributes specified in the SYSPRINT DD card are used.
  • If SYSPRINT DD is not present at first file reference, Language Environment dynamically allocates a file with IBM-supplied attributes. See Table 1 for MSGFILE file default attributes.
  • Any OPENs and CLOSEs to the PL/I SYSPRINT STREAM PRINT file are ignored.
  • Synchronization between the types of output (messages and user-specified output) is not provided, so the order of the output is unpredictable.