Specifying national languages

You can use Language Environment national language support to view runtime messages in mixed- and uppercase U.S. English and in Japanese. You can also use national language support to select the most appropriate language variables for your messages, such as language character set, left-to-right text, single-byte character set (SBCS), and double-byte character set (DBCS).

Language Environment message services support requirements for national language support machine-readable information such as message formatting, message delivery, and normalization (removes the adjacent shift-out, shift-in character in order to make DBCS strings as compatible as possible).

The NATLANG runtime option allows you to set the national language used for messages before you run your routine. The default national language is mixed and uppercase U.S. English. See z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference for more information on the NATLANG runtime option.

The CEE3LNG callable service allows you to set or query the current national language setting while your routine is running. Refer to z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference for more information about CEE3LNG.