Specifying a target directory for CEEDUMPs

If your application runs in an address space for which you issued a fork() and the CEEDUMP DD data set has not been dynamically allocated, the dump is directed according to the following order:

  1. The directory found in environment variable _CEE_DMPTARG
  2. Your current working directory, if it is not the root directory (/), and if this directory is writable, and if the CEEDUMP pathname (made up of the cwd pathname plus the ceedump file name) does not exceed 1024 characters
  3. The directory found in environment variable TMPDIR (which specifies the location of a temporary directory other than /tmp)
  4. The /tmp directory

The name of the dump is now CEEDUMP (or the name specified in the FNAME option of CEE3DMP) suffixed with: date.time.process ID.