Loading and running using the LOADGO command

Use the LOADGO command to create an executable program in main storage and then run it. When the application has run, TSO automatically deletes the executable program created by LOADGO. The general form of the LOADGO command is:

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   '-LIB--(--data-set-list--)-'  '-options-'   

LOADGO (data-set-list)
Specifies the names of one or more object modules or executable programs that you want to load and run. If you have only one name, you can omit the parentheses. If you have several names, you must separate them by commas or blanks.

The names can be data set names, names of members of data sets, or both.

Specifies runtime options and program parameters to be passed to the executable program at run time. Use a slash (/) to separate the runtime options and parameters that are passed to the main routine in the executable program. The possible combinations are described in Specifying runtime options and program arguments.
LIB (data-set-list)
Specifies the names of data sets containing user-supplied modules that you want the automatic library call facility to link-edit.

You must also list the Language Environment resident library (SCEELKED for non-XPLINK applications or SCEEBIND for XPLINK applications). SCEELKED is installed into a data set with a high-level qualifier; for example, the name might be CEE.SCEELKED. If you are unsure of the name of the data set where SCEELKED has been installed at your location, contact your system administrator.

Specifies a list of loader options. You must separate the options with a valid delimiter such as a comma or blank space. For a description of loader options, see Table 1 and z/OS TSO/E Command Reference.