Fortran compatibility considerations

Under VS FORTRAN Version 2, a slash (/) is not required after runtime options if only runtime options are passed. With Language Environment, however, a slash following runtime options is mandatory. Therefore, you must check your invocation string to ensure the presence of a slash after the runtime options.

There are some differences between Fortran and Language Environment runtime options. While most of these differences are automatically mapped, some options need to be coded in a different format under Language Environment. In addition, there are other Fortran runtime options that are not available under Language Environment. See z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference for the mapping of Fortran to Language Environment runtime options.

If the runtime options string includes an unrecognized option or suboption, Language Environment prints an informational message to help you identify the source of the error.

You can use the Fortran ARGSTR subroutine to retrieve any user-supplied program arguments from the command line. ARGSTR can be used from your Fortran program to identify the program arguments that were given when the enclave was invoked. For information about using ARGSTR in a Fortran program, see VS FORTRAN Version 2 Language and Library Reference.