Passing parameters through the loader

Code the PARM parameter as follows:
PARM='[loader-options] [/runtime-options] [/pgmparm]'
where loader-options is a list of loader options, runtime-options is a list of runtime options, and pgmparm is a parameter string passed to the main routine of the application to run. The following examples refer to the routine parameter as PP. If you specify NOEXECOPS on the main routine, you must omit the slash in front of pgmparm.

If you specify loader options and either runtime options or a routine parameter (or both) in the PARM parameter, the loader options are given first and are separated from the runtime options or routine parameter by a slash. If there are loader options but no runtime options or routine parameters, the slash is omitted. If there are only runtime options or routine parameters, you must code the slash or slashes. If there is more than one option, separate the option keywords by commas.

The PARM field can have one of the following formats:
  • If you use the special characters / or =, you must enclose the field in single quotes. For example:
  • If you do not use the / or = characters, and there is more than one loader option, you must enclose the options in parentheses. For example:
  • If you do not use the / or = characters, and there is only one loader option, neither quotes nor parentheses are required. For example: