Case sensitivity under TSO

When executing under TSO with the IBM-supplied default setting of PLIST(HOST), Language Environment dynamically determines whether a command processor parameter list (CPPL) has been passed. If so, an application with a C or C++ main routine receives the TSO parameter list in an argc, argv format.

If PLIST(TSO) is in effect, the inbound parameter list is a CPPL pointed to by R1. C treats PLIST(TSO) as PLIST(HOST). A user can access the CPPL using the __osplist macro if the user specifies PLIST(OS).

Arguments passed in TSO might be case-sensitive, depending on how your C or C++ program is invoked. Table 1 shows when the arguments are case-sensitive, based on how the C or C++ program is invoked.

Table 1. Case sensitivity of arguments under TSO
How C or C++ program is invoked Example Case of argument
As TSO command cprogram args Mixed case (however, if you pass the arguments entirely in uppercase, the argument is lowercase)
By CALL command CALL cprogram args Lowercase
By CALL command with control asis CALL cprogram args Mixed case (however, if you pass the arguments entirely in uppercase, the argument is lowercase)
In a CLIST with control asis

As a literal passed to CLIST as a parameter

cprogram args

cprogram &arg

Mixed case
