How conditions arising in child enclaves are handled

If a Language Environment or CEEBXITA-initiated (generated by setting the CEEAUE_ABND field of CEEBXITA) abend occurs in a child enclave created by SVC LINK, regardless of the language of its main, the entire process is terminated.

Condition handling in child enclaves created by SVC LINK varies, depending on the language of the child's main routine, the setting of the TRAP runtime option in the parent and child enclaves, and the type of condition. Refer to one of the following tables to see what happens when a condition remains unhandled in a child enclave.

Table 1. Handling conditions in child enclaves
If the child enclave was created by: See:
An SVC LINK and has a C, C++, or Language Environment-conforming assembler main routine Table 1
An SVC LINK and has a COBOL main program Table 1
An SVC LINK and has a Fortran or PL/I main routine Table 1

You should always run your applications with TRAP(ON) or your results might be unpredictable.