PL/I link-time considerations

The product structure for PL/I has changed from the previous PL/I version. Most JCL and CLISTs that link-edit a PL/I application using the OS PL/I library must be changed. These changes include:
  • The OS PL/I multitasking library PLITASK has been replaced by SIBMTASK, which is required to have multitasking support. SIBMTASK must be concatenated before SCEELKED.

    Enterprise PL/I for z/OS does not support multitasking. Language Environment continues to support PL/I multitasking for PL/I for MVS & VM as well as previous, supported levels of the PL/I product.

  • The PLIBASE and SIBMBASE libraries have been replaced by:
    • SCEELKED, which contains resident routines that are linked with the application and are used to resolve external references at link-edit time.
    • SIBMMATH, which contains the stubs for old OS PL/I V2R3 math library routines. In link-edit steps, this library must precede SCEELKED if old math results are desired in a particular executable program.
    • SIBMCALL, which is required to provide PLICALLA and PLICALLB compatibility if PL/I for MVS & VM applications use OS PL/I PLICALLA or PLICALLB as an entry point. SIBMCALL must be concatenated before SCEELKED.
    • SIBMCAL2, which is very similar to SIBMCALL, but is only used with Enterprise PL/I for z/OS.
    Note: SCEELKED and SIBMCAL2 are the only libraries that apply for Enterprise PL/I for z/OS.