Calls to CEESECS and CEEDATM in C or C++

/*Module/File Name:  EDCDT2   */
 /*                                                        */
 /*Function       : CEESECS - convert timestamp to seconds */
 /*               : CEEDATM - convert seconds to timestamp */
 /*               :                                        */
 /*CEESECS is used to convert a timestamp to seconds.      */
 /*24 hours in seconds is subtracted from                  */
 /*the number of seconds in the original timestamp.        */
 /*CEEDATM is then used to build a new timestamp           */
 /*representing the new date and time, 11/01/92 05:22.     */
 /*                                                        */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <leawi.h>
#include <ceeedcct.h>
#define TimeStamp "11/02/92 05:22"
#define displacement 24
main ()
  int User_Input();
  _VSTRING Time_Stamp;
  _CHAR80 New_TimeStamp;
  _VSTRING  picstr;
  _FLOAT8 Lilian_Seconds;
  _FLOAT8 New_Secs;
  _INT4 dest=2;
  char  New_Time[15];

   The date picstr must be set to match the timestamp format.
   strncpy (picstr.string,"MM/DD/YY HH:MI",14);
   picstr.length = 14;

  /* In the following loop the timestamp is converted to Lilian*/
  /* seconds. 24 hours in seconds are subtracted from the      */
  /* Lilian seconds and a new timestamp is created and         */
  /* displayed.                                                */
   Time_Stamp.length = 14;
   CEESECS takes the user-entered timestamp Time_Stamp and
   returns a double-precision Lilian seconds tally in
   CEESECS ( &Time_Stamp, &picstr , &Lilian_Seconds , &FC );
   if ( (_FBCHECK (FC , CEE000)) == 0 )
   The displacement variable is subtracted from the Lilian
   seconds tally in Lilian_Seconds
     New_Secs = Lilian_Seconds -  displacement * 3600.0;
   CEEDATM is invoked to get a new timestamp value based on the
   new Lilian seconds tally in New_Secs.
     CEEDATM ( &New_Secs, &picstr , New_TimeStamp , &FC );
     if ( (_FBCHECK (FC , CEE000)) == 0 )
       New_TimeStamp[14] = '\0';
       printf("%s is the time %i hours before %s\n",
               New_Time, displacement, TimeStamp);
       printf ( "Error converting Seconds to TimeStamp.\n" );
       CEEMSG(&FC, &dest, NULL);
     printf ( "Error converting TimeStamp to seconds.\n" );
     CEEMSG(&FC, &dest, NULL);