Using Language Environment condition handling with nested COBOL programs

If your application contains both nested COBOL programs and calls to Language Environment condition handling services, keep the following in mind:
  • Do not call CEEHDLR from a nested COBOL program.
  • Do not call CEEMRCR with a 1 type_of_move from a user handler associated with a stack frame that was called by a nested COBOL program. In Figure 1, Program A calls nested Program B. Program B calls Program C, which registers a user-written condition handler, UWCHC. UWCHC cannot call CEEMRCR with a 1 type_of_move, which would move the resume cursor back to nested Program B.
    Figure 1. Restricted type_of_move If COBOL nested programs are present
    Program A calls nested Program B. Program B calls Program C, which registers a user-written condition handler, UWCHC.