Language Environment terms and their HLL equivalents

The highest level of the Language Environment program management model; a collection of resources, both program code and data, consisting of at least one enclave.
The enclave defines the scope of HLL semantics. In Language Environment, a collection of routines, one of which is designated as the main routine. The enclave contains at least one thread.

Equivalent HLL terms: C or C++ – program, consisting of a main C or C++ function and its subroutines, COBOL – run unit, Fortran – executable program, consisting of a main Fortran program and its subprograms, PL/I – main procedure and all its subprocedures.

An execution entity that consists of synchronous invocations and terminations of routines. The thread is the basic runtime path within the Language Environment program management model; dispatched by the system with its own runtime stack, instruction counter, and registers.
In Language Environment, either a procedure, function, or subroutine.

Equivalent HLL terms: C or C++ – function, COBOL – program, Fortran – program, PL/I – procedure, BEGIN/END block.