Understanding the structure of the condition token

Figure 1 illustrates the structure of the condition token, with bit offsets shown above the components:

Figure 1. Language Environment condition token
A symbolic feedback code represents the first 8 bytes of a condition token. it contains the Condition_ID, Case Number, Severity Number, Control Code, and Facility_ID, whose bits are indicated.
Every condition token contains the components indicated in Figure 1.
A 4-byte identifier that, with the facility ID, describes the condition that the token communicates. The format of Condition_ID depends on whether a Case 1 (service condition) or Case 2 (class/cause code) condition is being represented. Language Environment callable services and most applications can produce Case 1 conditions. Case 2 conditions could be produced by some operating systems and compiler libraries. Language Environment does not produce them directly.

Figure 1 illustrates the format of the Condition_ID for Case 1 and Case 2 conditions.

Specifies if the condition token is for a Case 1 or Case 2 condition.
Specifies the severity of the condition represented by the condition token.
Specifies if the facility ID has been assigned by IBM®.
Facility ID
A 3-character alphanumeric string that identifies the product or component of a product that generated the condition; for Language Environment, the facility ID is CEE. Although all Language Environment-conforming HLLs use Language Environment message and condition handling services, the actual runtime messages generated under Language Environment still carry the language identification in the facility ID. The facility ID for PL/I, for example, is IBM.

When paired with a message number, a facility ID uniquely identifies a message in the message source file. The facility ID and message number persist throughout an application. This allows the meaning of the condition and its associated message to be determined at any point in the application after a condition has occurred.

If you are creating a new facility ID to use with your own message source file, follow the guidelines listed under the Facility_ID parameter of CEENCOD in z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference.

If you create a new facility_ID to use with a message source file you created using CEEBLDTX (see Creating messages), be aware that the facility ID must be part of the message source file name. Therefore, you must follow the naming guidelines to ensure the module name does not abend.

A 4-byte Instance Specific Information token associated with a given instance of the condition. A nonzero ISI token provides instance specific information. The ISI token contains data on message inserts for the message associated with the condition and a q_data_token containing 4 bytes of qualifying data. The ISI token is typically built by Language Environment for system or Language Environment-signaled conditions. It can also be built by an application for conditions signaled using CEESGL. The CEECMI callable service can be used to define the message inserts within the ISI for a condition token. The q_data to be placed in the ISI for a condition token is defined by signaling the condition using CEESGL.

You can extract ISI information inside of CEEHDLR-established condition handlers. The message insert information cannot be retrieved directly; however, the entire formatted message with inserts can be formatted and placed in an application-provided character string using CEEMGET. The q_data_token can be retrieved using CEEGQDT.