C or C++ handling a divide-by-zero condition

The following example contains the C/C++ routine that performs the tasks involved with handling a divide-by-zero condition in C, C++, COBOL, or PL/I.
#pragma noinline(divzero)   
/*Module/File Name:  EDCDIVZ  */
/*                                                        */
/*  MAIN                 .-> DIVZERO                      */
/*  - register handler   |   - force a divide-by-zero     */
/*  - call DIVZERO     --'                                */
/*  ==> "resume point"                                    */
/*  - unregister handler                                  */
/*                         USRHDLR:                       */
/*                         - if divide-by-zero            */
/*                           - move resume cursor         */
/*                           - resume at "resume point"   */
/*                                                        */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <leawi.h>
#include <ceeedcct.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

   void usrhdlr(_FEEDBACK *, _INT4 *, _INT4 *, _FEEDBACK *);

#ifdef __cplusplus

void divzero(int);

int main(void) {

 _INT4 divisor;
 _INT4 token;
 _ENTRY pgmptr;
 /* Register a user-written condition handler.            */
 pgmptr.address = (_POINTER)&usrhdlr;
 pgmptr.nesting = NULL;
 token = 97; CEEHDLR (&pgmptr, &token, &fc);
 if ( _FBCHECK ( fc , CEE000 ) != 0 ) {
    printf( "CEEHDLR failed with message number %d\n",
 printf("MAIN: Registered USRHDLR.\n");

 /* Call DIVZERO to divide by zero and drive USRHDLR      */
 divisor = 0;
 printf("MAIN: Resumption after DIVZERO.\n");

 /* Unregister the user condition handler.                */
 CEEHDLU (&pgmptr, &fc);
 if ( _FBCHECK ( fc , CEE000 ) != 0 ) {
    printf( "CEEHDLU failed with message number %d\n",

 printf("MAIN: Unregistered USRHDLR.\n");
} /* end main */

void divzero(int arg) {
 printf("  DIVZERO: Starting.\n");
 arg = 1 / arg;
 printf("  DIVZERO: Returning to its caller.\n");
} /* end divzero */

/* usrhdlr will handle DIVIDE-BY-ZERO conditions...       */
/*    all others will be percolated.                      */

void usrhdlr(_FEEDBACK *cond,_INT4 *input_token,
             _INT4 *result, _FEEDBACK *new_cond)
  _INT4 move_type_0 = 0;
  _INT4 move_type_1 = 1;
  _FEEDBACK feedback;

  /* values for handling the conditions */
  #define resume      10
  #define percolate   20
  #define promote     30
  #define promote_sf  31
  printf(">>> USRHDLR: Entered User Handler \n");
  printf(">>> passed token value is %d\n",*input_token);  
/* check if the DIVIDE-BY-ZERO message (0C9) */
  if (cond->tok_msgno == 3209) {
      CEEMRCR (&move_type_0, &feedback);
      if ( _FBCHECK ( feedback , CEE000 ) != 0 ) {
         printf( "CEEMRCR failed with message number %d\n",
      *result = resume;
      printf(">>> USRHDLR: Resuming execution\n");
  else {                      /* not DIVIDE-BY-ZERO */
        *result = percolate;
        printf(">>> USRHDLR: Percolating it\n");
} /* end usrhdlr */