Handling a program check in an assembler routine

The following routine illustrates how an assembler routine can handle a program check if one should occur. The following occurs:

  1. The routine registers a user-written condition handler, LEASMHD3, that responds to a program check by calling CEE3DMP to request a dump.
  2. The routine then calls a subroutine, LEASMHD2, that generates a program check.
  3. The routine gives control to the user-written condition handler.
Note that a condition handler to which an assembler routine gives control does not have to be link-edited into the same load module as the routine; a condition handler can be dynamically loaded and can possibly dynamically load other modules also.
SMP1     TITLE 'Sample of main program that registers a handler'
*        Symbolic Register Definitions and Usage
R0       EQU   0             Parameter list address (CMS only)
R1       EQU   1             Parameter list address, 0 if no parms
R10      EQU   10            Base register for executable code
R12      EQU   12            Language Environment Common Anchor Area
*                                 address
R13      EQU   13            Save Area/Dynamic Storage Area address
R14      EQU   14            Return point address
R15      EQU   15            Entry point address
*        Prologue
CEEHDRA  CEEENTRY AUTO=DSASIZ,    Amount of main memory to obtain
               MAIN=YES,          This routine is a MAIN program
               PPA=PPA1,          Program Prolog Area for this routine
               BASE=R10           Base register for executable code
*                                      constants, and static variables
         USING CEECAA,R12         Common Anchor Area addressability
         USING CEEDSA,R13         Dynamic Storage Area addressability
*        Announce ourselves
         WTO   'CEEHDRA Says "HELLO"',ROUTCDE=11
*        Register User Handler
         LA    R1,USRHDLPP        Get addr of proc-ptr to Handler rtn
         ST    R1,PARM1           Make it 1st parameter
         LA    R1,TOKEN           Get addr of 32-bit token
         ST    R1,PARM2           Make it 2nd parameter
         LA    R1,0               Omit address for Feedback Code:
*                                      If an error occurs while
*                                      registering the handler,
*                                      Language Environment signals
*                                      the condition, rather than
*                                      passing it back to caller
         ST    R1,PARM3           Make it 3rd parameter
         LA    R1,HDLRPLST        Point to parameter list for CEEHDLR
         CALL  CEEHDLR            Invoke CEEHDLR callable service AWI
*        Call subroutine to cause an exception
         CALL  LEASMHD2
*        Un-Register User Handler
         LA    R1,USRHDLPP        Get addr of proc-ptr to Handler rtn
         ST    R1,HDLUPRM1        Make it 1st parameter
         LA    R1,FEEDBACK        Address for Feedback Code
         ST    R1,HDLUPRM2        Make it 2nd parameter
         LA    R1,HDLUPLST        Point to parameter list for CEEHDLU
         CALL  CEEHDLU            Invoke CEEHDLU callable service AWI*
*        Bid fond farewell
         WTO   'CEEHDRA Says "GOOD-BYE"',ROUTCDE=11
*        Epilogue
         CEETERM RC=4,MODIFIER=1  Terminate program
*        Program Constants and Local Static Variables
USRHDLPP DC    V(LEASMHD3),A(0)   Procedure-pointer to Handler routine
         LTORG ,                  Place literal pool here
         SPACE 3
PPA1     CEEPPA ,                 Program Prolog Area for this routine
*        Map the Dynamic Storage  Area (DSA)
         CEEDSA ,            Map standard CEE DSA prologue
*        Local Automatic (Dynamic) Storage..
HDLRPLST DS    0F            Parameter List for CEEHDLR
PARM1    DS    A             Address of User-written Handler
PARM2    DS    A             Address of 32-bit Token
PARM3    DS    A             Address of Feedback Code cond token
HDLUPLST DS    0F            Parameter List for CEEHDLR
HDLUPRM1 DS    A             Address of User-written Handler
HDLUPRM2 DS    A             Address of Feedback Code cond token
TOKEN    DS    F             32-bit Token:  fullword whose *value* will
*                                 be passed to the user handler each
*                                 time it is called.
FEEDBACK DS    CL12          Feedback Code condition token
DSASIZ   EQU   *-CEEDSA      Length of DSA
*        Map the Common Anchor Area (CAA)
         END   CEEHDRA
HDR2     TITLE 'Sample of subprogram that forces a program check'
*        Symbolic Register Definitions and Usage
R1       EQU   1             Parameter list address, 0 if no parms
R11      EQU   11            Base register for executable code
R12      EQU   12            Language Environment Common Anchor Area
*                                 address
R13      EQU   13            Save Area/Dynamic Storage Area address
R14      EQU   14            Return point address
R15      EQU   15            Entry point address*
*        Prologue
LEASMHD2 CEEENTRY AUTO=DSASIZ,    Amount of main memory to obtain      *
               PPA=PPA2,          Program Prolog Area for this routine *
               MAIN=NO,           This program is a Subroutine         *
               NAB=YES,           YES because called by enabled rtn    *
               BASE=R11           Base register for executable code,
*                                      constants, and static variables
         USING CEECAA,R12         Common Anchor Area addressability
         USING CEEDSA,R13         Dynamic Storage Area addressability
*        Announce ourselves
*         WTO   'LEASMHD2 Says "HELLO"',ROUTCDE=11
*        Cause Data Exception (Language Environment condition 3207)
         XC    A,A                Clear to Binary Zeros
*                                      (not a valid packed number)
         AP    A,=P'7'            Cause Data exception
*        Say good-bye
         WTO   'LEASMHD2 Says "GOOD-BYE"',ROUTCDE=11
*        Epilogue
         CEETERM RC=0             Terminate program
         SPACE 3
*        Program Constants and Local Static Variables
PPA2     CEEPPA ,                 Program Prolog Area for this routine
         LTORG ,                  Place literal pool here
*        Map the Dynamic Storage  Area (CAA)
         CEEDSA ,            Map standard CEE DSA prologue
*        Local Automatic (Dynamic) Storage..
A        DS    PL2           Packed operand (uninitialized)
DSASIZ   EQU   *-CEEDSA      Length of DSA
*        Map the Common Anchor Area (CAA)
         END   ,                  of LEASMHD2
SMP3     TITLE 'User-written condition handler'*
*        Symbolic Register Definitions and Usage
R1       EQU   1             Parameter list address (upon entry)
R2       EQU   2             Work register
R3       EQU   3             Parameter list address (after CEEENTRY)
R4       EQU   4             Will point to Result Code Argument
R10      EQU   10            Will point to Condition Token Argument
R11      EQU   11            Base register for executable code
R12      EQU   12            Common Anchor Area address
R13      EQU   13            Save Area/Dynamic Storage Area address
R14      EQU   14            Return point address
R15      EQU   15            Entry point address
*        Prologue
LEASMHD3 CEEENTRY AUTO=DSASIZ,    Amount of main memory to obtain      *
               PPA=PPA3,          Program Prolog Area for this routine *
               MAIN=NO,           This program is a Subroutine         *
               NAB=YES,           YES--called under Language Env.      *
               PARMREG=R3,        R1 value is saved here               *
               BASE=R11           Base register for executable code,
*                                      constants, and static variables
         USING CEECAA,R12         Common Anchor Area addressability
         USING CEEDSA,R13         Dynamic Storage Area addressability
         USING UHDLARGS,R3        User Handler Args addressability
*        Locate Arguments
         L     R10,@CURCOND       Get address of Condition Token
         USING $CURCOND,R10       Condition Token addressability
         L     R4,@RESCODE        Get address of Result Code
         USING $RESCODE,R4        Result Code addressability
*        Announce ourselves
         WTO   'LEASMHD3 Says "HELLO"',ROUTCDE=11
*        Process Condition
         CLC   CURCOND(8),CEE347  Was this handler entered due to the
*                                      condition it was created to
*                                      deal with (data exception) ?
         BE    BADPDATA           Yes -- go process it
*                                 No..
         MVC   RESCODE,=A(PERCOLAT)    Indicate PERCOLATE action
         B     OUT                Return to Language Environment
*                                      condition manager
BADPDATA EQU   *                  Processing for data exception:
         MVC   RESCODE,=A(RESUME) Indicate RESUME action*
*        Call CEE3DMP to Dump machine state
         LA    R1,DUMPTITL        Get address of Dump Title
         ST    R1,PARM1           Make it first parameter
         LA    R1,DUMPOPTS        Get address of Dump Options string
         ST    R1,PARM2           Make it second parameter
         LA    R1,FC              Address of Feedback Code
         ST    R1,PARM3           Make it third parameter
         LA    R1,DMPPARMS        Point to parameter list for CEE3DMP
         CALL  CEE3DMP            Invoke CEE3DMP callable service AWI
*        Sign-off
OUT      EQU   *
         WTO   'LEASMHD3 Says "GOOD-BYE"',ROUTCDE=11
*        Epilogue
         CEETERM RC=0
*        Program Constants and Local Static Variables
DUMPTITL DC    CL80'LEASMHD3 - Sample Dump '     Dump Title
PPA3     CEEPPA ,                 Program Prolog Area for this routine
         LTORG ,                  Place literal pool here
*        Define Symbolic Value Constants for Condition Tokens
*        Map Arguments to User-Written Condition Handler
@CURCOND DS    A             Address of CIB
@TOKEN   DS    A             Address of 32-bit token value from CEEHDLR
@RESCODE DS    A             Address of Result Code
@NEWCOND DS    A             Address of New Condition
         SPACE 3
$CURCOND DSECT ,             Mapping of the current condition
CURCOND  DS    A             Condition token that identifies the
*                                 current condition being processed
         SPACE 3
$TOKEN   DSECT ,             Mapping of the 32-bit Token Argument
TOKEN    DS    A             Value of 32-bit Token from CEEHDLR call         
$RESCODE DSECT ,             Mapping of Result Code Argument
RESCODE  DS    F             Result Code specifies the action for
*                            the condition manager to take when
*                            control returns from the user handler:
RESUME   EQU   10            Resume at the resume cursor
*                            (condition has been handled)
PERCOLAT EQU   20            Percolate to the next condition handler
*                            (if a Result Code is not explicitly set
*                             by the handler, this is the default)
PROMOTE  EQU   30            Promote to the next condition handler
*                            (New Condition has been set)
* (See the Language Environment Programming Guide for other result
*      code values.)
         SPACE 3
$NEWCOND DSECT ,             Mapping of the New Condition Argument
NEWCOND  DS    CL12          New Condition (condition token) specifies
*                                 the condition promoted to.
*        Map the Dynamic Storage  Area (DSA)
         CEEDSA ,            Map standard CEE DSA prologue
*        Local Automatic (Dynamic) Storage..
DMPPARMS DS 0F               Parameter list for CEE3DMP
PARM1    DS    A             Address of Title string
PARM2    DS    A             Address of Options string
PARM3    DS    A             Address of Feedback Code
FC       DS    CL12          Feedback Code condition token
DSASIZ   EQU   *-CEEDSA      Length of DSA
*        Map the Common Anchor Area (CAA)
         END   ,                  of LEASMHD3