Using loops and control constructs

For the for-loop index variable:
  • Use a long type variable whenever possible. Under ILP32, long and int are equivalent, but long is better for portability to an LP64 environment.
  • Use the auto or register storage class over the extern or static storage class.
  • If you use an enum variable, expand the variable to be a fullword by using the ENUMSIZE compiler option or by placing a large defined value at the end of your enum variable, as follows:
    enum animals {
    last_animal = INT_MAX;
  • Do not use the address operator (&) on the index.
  • The index should not be a member of a union.
For if statements:
  • Order the if conditions efficiently; put the most decisive tests first and the most expensive tests last.

    By performing the most common tests first, you increase the efficiency of your code; fewer tests are required to meet the test conditions.

    if (command.is_classg &&
        command.len == 6  &&
       !strcmp (command.str, "LOGON"))  /* call to strcmp() most expensive */
      logon ();