Using the XL C/C++ DB2 coprocessor

If all the SQL statements are embedded in XL C programs, you can use the XL C DB2® coprocessor to prepare the program to request DB2 services. You can either run the program through the DB2 C/C++ precompiler before you compile, or you can specify the SQL compiler option when you compile the program. For detailed information about using the SQL option, refer to SQL in z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide. If you are compiling code with SQL in effect, refer to z/OS® Program Directory for a complete list of SQL suboptions.

When the XL C/C++ SQL(NOSTD) option is in effect, code should be written in codepage IBM®-1047 (APL)293).

The following are advantages of using the XL C/C++ DB2 coprocessor instead of the DB2 C/C++ precompiler:
  • Host variable names follow the same lexical scoping rules as C/C++ variables.
  • Preprocessor directives (such as #include and #define) are supported.
  • Variable-length source input is supported.
  1. Typically, NOSQL is the default compiler option. If your environment is customized to make SQL the default, be aware that the compiler will attempt to call the API that contains DBRMLIB DD even if the source code does not contain SQL statements. When that happens, DB2 generates a message that you can ignore.
  2. "SQLCODE", "SQLSTATE", and "sqlca" are not valid user host variable names, because they are reserved by the compiler and DB2 coprocessor as embedded SQL keywords. Previous to the compiler embedding the DB2 coprocessor, the DB2 precompiler did not recognize these three identifiers as keywords, but the new DB2 coprocessor correctly recognizes them and will not successfully compile any source file that attempts to use them as user host variable names. If you are already using any of these reserved keywords as table column names in your program (and referencing them through identically named user host variable names), and you are migrating from a compiler release that uses the DB2 precompiler to one that uses the DB2 coprocessor, you must restructure your queries in order to avoid any conflicts with these reserved keywords. For detailed information, see the documentation available at the following URL: