Building user-server environments

To build your server application, follow the rules for building a freestanding application as described in Building freestanding applications to run under z/OS.

There are no special considerations for building user applications. The automatic call facility will cause the correct routines from CEE.SCEESPC to be included.

Table 1. Parts used by or with application server routines
Part Name Function Inclusion in Program Location
EDCXSRVI Used by a server-supplied stub routine to start up a server. 2 in the user module Member of SCEESPC
EDCXSRVN Used by a server-supplied stub routine to send a service-request message to a server. 2 in the user module Member of SCEESPC
EDCXSRVC Used by a server to wait for the next message to process. 2 in the user module Member of SCEESPC
EDCXSACC Used by a server to accept the last message received. 2 in the user module Member of SCEESPC
EDCXSPRT System programming version of sprintf(). 3   Member of SCEESPC
EDCXEXIT System programming version of exit(). 3   Member of SCEESPC
EDCXMEM System programming version of malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free(), __4kmalc() and __24malc(). 3   Member of SCEESPC
  1. This module must be explicitly included in the program using the binder INCLUDE control statement.
  2. This module will normally be included by automatic call.
  3. This module must be explicitly included if you want to use the system programming version of the function.