Sets the increment size of an internal library storage subpool acquired below the 16M line. By default, when the below the line storage subpool is filled, its size is incremented by 4K. When _EDC_STOR_INCREMENT_B is set, its value string is translated to the decimal equivalent. These integers are then used as the new settings of the below subpool storage increment sizes. The setting of this environment variable is only effective if it is done before the first I/O in the enclave.

Consider the case where setenv() is called from CEEBINT (with the CEEBINT user exit linked to the application) as follows:
Internally, the storage subpool acquired from 24-bit storage will be 4096 (or 4K). However, the following subsequent call returns "1000", as set by the setenv()call.
Note: _EDC_STOR_INCREMENT_B is not supported in AMODE 64. In AMODE 64, this environment variable is replaced by the IOHEAP64 runtime option.