fldata() example

Figure 1 example shows the retrieval of the file name in filename from the open stream pointed to by stderr that maps to the CELQPIPI MSGRTN file.

Figure 1. fldata() example
#include <stdio.h> 
int main(void) { 
  FILE *stream; 
  char filename[100]; 
  fldata_t fileinfo; 
  int rc; 
  stream = stderr;
  rc = fldata(stream, filename, &fileinfo);
  if (rc != 0) 	 		
        printf("fldata failed\n");  	
        printf("filename is %s\n",filename);  
The program in Figure 1 produces the following output:
filename is ((MSGRTN))
The example in Figure 2 shows the use of the CELQPIPI MSGRTN file as the default stderr.
Figure 2. CELQPIPI MSGRTN example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main(void) { 
	FILE *stream; 
	stream = stderr; 
	fprintf(stream, "fprintf: Output redirects to the CELQPIPI MSGRTN file.\n");

	errno = ETIME;                              
	Perror("perror: Output redirects to the CELQPIPI MSGRTN file.");