Labeled statements

There are three kinds of labels: identifier, case, and default.

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Labeled statement syntax


The label consists of the identifier and the colon (:) character.

C A label name must be unique within the function in which it appears. C

C++ only In C++, an identifier label can only be used as the target of a goto statement. A goto statement can use a label before its definition. Identifier labels have their own namespace; you do not have to worry about identifier labels conflicting with other identifiers. However, you cannot redeclare a label within a function. C++ only

Case and default label statements only appear in switch statements. These labels are accessible only within the closest enclosing switch statement.

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case statement syntax


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default statement syntax


The following are examples of labels:
 comment_complete : ;            /* null statement label */
 test_for_null : if (NULL == pointer)