BPXYCONS — Constants used by services

BPXYCONS is composed only of EQUates. DSECT= is allowed but ignored.
** BPXYCONS: Syscall constants
**  Used By: Many syscalls
DFLT_ARG_MAX         EQU   1048576  Constant for default ARG_MAX  @EGC
DFLT_CHILD_MAX       EQU   6    Constant for default CHILD_MAX
*                               (_POSIX_CHILD_MAX)
DFLT_CLK_TCK         EQU   100  Constant for default CLK_TCK
*                               (100 ticks per second)
DFLT_NGROUPS_MAX     EQU   8191 Constant for default NGROUPS_MAX
*                               (RACF Maximum value)
DFLT_OPEN_MAX        EQU   16   Constant for default OPEN_MAX
*                               (_POSIX_OPEN_MAX)
DFLT_TZNAME_MAX      EQU   9    Constant for default TZNAME_MAX
DFLT_JOB_CONTROL     EQU   1    Constant for default JOB_CONTROL
DFLT_SAVED_IDS       EQU   1    Constant for default SAVED_IDS
DFLT_VERSION         EQU   199009  Constant for default VERSION
DFLT_USERIDLEN_MAX   EQU   8    Max characters for a userid       @DKA
DFLT_PASSWDLEN_MAX   EQU   8    Max characters for a password     @DKA
DFLT_PASSWDPHRLEN_MAX EQU  100 Max characters for password phrase @EBA
DFLT_2_CHAR_TERM     EQU   1    Constant default SC_2_CHAR_TERM  @P1A
                 SPACE ,
* items from sysconf()
SC_ARG_MAX           EQU   1    Constant for querying ARG_MAX
SC_CHILD_MAX         EQU   2    Constant for querying CHILD_MAX
SC_CLK_TCK           EQU   3    Constant for querying CLK_TCK
SC_JOB_CONTROL       EQU   4    Constant for querying JOB_CONTROL
SC_NGROUPS_MAX       EQU   5    Constant for querying NGROUPS_MAX
SC_OPEN_MAX          EQU   6    Constant for querying OPEN_MAX
SC_SAVED_IDS         EQU   7    Constant for querying SAVED_IDS
SC_TZNAME_MAX        EQU   9    Constant for querying TZNAME_MAX
SC_VERSION           EQU   10   Constant for querying VERSION
SC_2_CHAR_TERM       EQU   12   Constant for querying VERSION    @P1A
SC_THREADS_MAX_NP    EQU   13   Constant to query THREADS_MAX_NP @D5A
SC_MMAP_MEM_MAX_NP   EQU   14   Constant to query MMAP_MEM_MAX_NP@DAA
SC_TTY_GROUP         EQU   15   Constant to query TTY GROUP      @PEA
SC_PAGESIZE          EQU   16   Constant to query Page Size      @D2A
SC_PAGE_SIZE         EQU   16   Constant to query Page Size      @D2A
                 SPACE ,
* wait function code                                             @DCA
#WAIT3               EQU   1    wait3() function code            @DCA
#WAITID              EQU   2    waitid() function code           @DCA
                 SPACE ,
* items from waitf()
WNOHANG              EQU   1    Wait, do not suspend execution
WUNTRACED            EQU   2    Wait, return status of stopped child
WCONTINUED           EQU   4    Wait, return status of continued child
*                                                                @DCA
WEXITED              EQU   8    Wait for process that have exited
*                                                                @DCA
WSTOPPED             EQU  16    Wait, return status of stopped child
*                                                                @DCA
WNOWAIT              EQU  32    Wait, return status of a child without
*                               changing the state.  The child can be
*                               waited for again.                @DCA
                 SPACE ,
* waitid() id type options                                       @DCA
P_PID                EQU   0    Wait for the child with a process ID
*                                                                @DCA
P_PGID               EQU   1    Wait for any child with a process
*                               group ID                         @DCA
P_ALL                EQU   2    Wait for any child               @DCA
                 SPACE ,
* BPX1PTX Options
PTEXITTHREAD         EQU   0    Pthread exit
PTGETNEWTHREAD       EQU   1    Pthread get new
PTFAILIFLASTTHREAD   EQU   2    Pthread fail if last thread      @D4A
                 SPACE ,
QUIESCE_TERM         EQU   1    Quiesce threads type = term      @D3A
QUIESCE_FORCE        EQU   2    Quiesce threads type = force     @D3A
QUIESCE_QUERY        EQU   3    Alias of pthread_query           @P4C
PTHREAD_QUERY        EQU   3    Quiesce threads type = query     @P4A
QUIESCE_FREEZE       EQU   4    Quiesce threads type = freeze    @D6A
QUIESCE_UNFREEZE     EQU   5    Quiesce threads type = unfreeze  @D6A
FREEZE_THIS_THREAD   EQU   6    Quiesce threads type = freezeme  @D6A
* Skip 7 because of collision with BPXZCONS Freeze_Force
FREEZE_EXIT          EQU   8    Quiesce threads type = freeze_exit
QUIESCE_SRB          EQU   9    Quiesce threads type = SRBs      @DGA
* Skip 10 and 11 due to collision with BPXZCONS Freeze/Unfreeze Fast
*                                                                @P6A
                 SPACE ,
PTHREAD_INTR_ENABLE#       EQU 0  Cancel request type = enabled
PTHREAD_INTR_DISABLE#      EQU 1  Cancel request type = disabled
PTHREAD_INTR_CONTROLLED#   EQU 0  Cancel request type = controlled
PTHREAD_INTR_ASYNCHRONOUS# EQU 1  Cancel request type = Asynchronous
                 SPACE ,
STDIN_FILENO         EQU   0    Standard input value, file descriptor
STDOUT_FILENO        EQU   1    Standard output value, file descriptor
STDERR_FILENO        EQU   2    Standard error value, file descriptor
                 SPACE ,
DUBTHREAD            EQU   0    Dub a thread default setting     @L1A
DUBPROCESS           EQU   1    Dub a process default setting    @L1A
DUBTASKACEE          EQU   2    Dub a task ACEE setting          @02A
DUBPROCESSDEFER      EQU   4    Dub a process - but defer dub    @04A
DUBNOSIGNALS         EQU   8    Dub a process - no signals       @DWA
DUBJOBPERM           EQU   16   Dub as a permanent Job           @DYA
DUBNOJSTUNDUB        EQU   32   Dub process such that jobstep does not
*                                                                @DYA
DUBABENDCALLS        EQU   64   Dub process such that system calls
*                               abend during a shutdown/restart window
*                                                                @DYA
DUBUNIQUEACEE        EQU   128                                   @07A
DUBFAILNOTREADY      EQU   256  Fail dub if kernel is not up     @F1A
                 SPACE ,
STL_MAX_TASKS        EQU   1    Replace MaxThreadTask only       @D7A
STL_MAX_THREADS      EQU   2    Replace MaxThreads only          @D7A
STL_SET_BOTH         EQU   3    Replace both limits              @D7A
                 SPACE ,
NICE_ZERO            EQU   20   Default Process Scheduling Priority
                 SPACE ,
PRIO_PROCESS         EQU   1    Looking for a specific process ID
PRIO_PGRP            EQU   2    Looking for processes in a process grp
PRIO_USER            EQU   3    Looking for processes for a user ID
                 SPACE ,
CPRIO_ABSOLUTE       EQU   1    Priority value is an absolute value
CPRIO_RELATIVE       EQU   2    Priority value is a relative value
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for memory map
PROT_READ            EQU   1    Mapped data can be read          @DAA
PROT_WRITE           EQU   2    Mapped data can be written       @DAA
PROT_NONE            EQU   4    Mapped data cannot be accessed   @DAA
PROT_EXEC            EQU   8    Mapped data can be executed (treated
*                               as PROT_READ)                    @DAA
                 SPACE ,
MAP_PRIVATE          EQU   1    Changes to the mapped data are private
MAP_SHARED           EQU   2    Changes to the mapped data are shared
MAP_FIXED            EQU   4    Interpret map address exactly    @DAA
MAP_MEGA             EQU   8    Use megabyte allocations         @D4A
                 SPACE ,
MS_SYNC              EQU   1    Performs synchronous writes      @DAA
MS_ASYNC             EQU   2    Performs asynchronous writes     @DAA
MS_INVALIDATE        EQU   4    Invalidate the cached memory mapped
*                               pages                            @DAA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for spawn                                   @D9A
SPAWN_FDCLOSED       EQU  -1    Do not inherit this file desc  @D9A
                 SPACE ,
RLIMIT_CORE          EQU   4    Limit size of core dump          @DBA
RLIMIT_CPU           EQU   0    Limit CPU time per process       @DBA
RLIMIT_FSIZE         EQU   1    Limit file size                  @DBA
RLIMIT_NOFILE        EQU   6    Limit number of open files       @DBA
RLIMIT_AS            EQU   5    Limit address space size         @DBA
RLIMIT_MEMLIMIT      EQU   7    Limit storage above the bar      @E0A
                 SPACE ,
RLIM_INFINITY        EQU   2147483647 No limit value             @DBA
                 SPACE ,
RUSAGE_SELF          EQU   0    Rusage for current process       @DBA
RUSAGE_CHILDREN      EQU  -1    Rusage for terminated children   @DBA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for querydub output status
QDB_DUBBED_FIRST     EQU   1    Task has already been dubbed.
*                               This task and this RB caused the
*                               dub.                             @DCA
QDB_DUBBED           EQU   2    Task has already been dubbed.
*                               Other task or other RB caused
*                               the dub                          @DCA
QDB_DUB_MAY_FAIL     EQU   4    Task has not been dubbed, but may
*                               fail if attempted.  Most likely
*                               reason for failure will be a missing
*                               or incomplete user security profile,
*                               or OMVS segment not defined      @DCA
QDB_DUB_OKAY         EQU   8    Task has not been dubbed, and should
*                               succeed if attempted             @DCA
QDB_DUB_AS_PROCESS   EQU   16   Task has not been dubbed, but its
*                               address space has. New task will dub
*                               as another process within the address
*                               space                            @DCA
QDB_DUB_AS_THREAD    EQU   32   Task has not been dubbed, but its
*                               address space has. New task will dub as
*                               a thread within the process      @DCA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for oe_env_np syscall function codes
ENQWAIT_PROCESS      EQU   1    Examine/Change ENQ wait interruption
*                               state                            @P6A
FREEZE_EXIT_REG      EQU   2    Register/deregister an exit
*                               for pthread_quiesce(freeze_exit) @P6A
MVS_USERID           EQU   3    Retrieve MVS userid of invoker   @P7A
ENV_TOGGLE_SEC       EQU   4    Toggle btw task/process security @P7A
DFP_CLEANUP_EXIT_REG EQU   5    Register DFP Close cleanup exit  @01A
BPXK_PARAMETER       EQU   6    Env Vars to Kernel               @P9A
ENV_STOR_SERVICE     EQU   7    Swappable or Non-Swappable
*                               address space                    @DJA
QUICK_FREEZE_EXIT_REG EQU  8    Register/deregister an exit for
*                               fast pthread_quiesce_and_get     @DUA
SHUTDOWN_REG         EQU  9     Register/block for shutdown
*                               processing                       @DXA
WRITE_DOWN           EQU  10    Query/Alter write_down state of an
*                               ACEE (MLS support)               @E5A
PIDXFER_QUERY        EQU  11    Query if process image is a result of
*                               a PIDXFER                        @DXA
QUERY_MODE           EQU  12    Query AMODE/RMODE/AMODE capability of
*                               target proess                    @E1A
MUST_STAY_CLEAN      EQU  13    ENABLE/QUERY Must Stay Clean state of
*                               the invoking process             @E9A
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for possible options of ENV_STOR_SERVICE
*   For future additions, make equates multiples of 2
*                                                               4@PED
BPX_SWAP         EQU   1    Make the address space swappable     @PEC
BPX_NONSWAP      EQU   2    Make the address space non-swappable
*                                                                @PEC
                 SPACE ,
*                                                                @E9A
*   Define equates for possible options of MUST_STAY_CLEAN       @E9A
* @E9A
MSC_QUERY        EQU   0    Query current Must Stay Clean state  @E9A
MSC_ENABLE       EQU   1    Enable Must Stay Clean state         @E9A
*                                                                @E9A
*   Define possible output for MSC_QUERY option                  @E9A
* @E9A
MSC_DISABLED     EQU   0     Query result: disabled              @E9A
MSC_ENABLED      EQU   1     Query result: enabled even accoss Job
*                            Step termination                    @E9A
MSC_ENABLED_COND EQU   2     Query result: enabled conditionally,
*                            Job Step termination will disable   @E9A
*   Define equates for all possible options for WRITE_DOWN function
*   code of BPX1ENV
WD_OUERY         EQU   0     Query write_down                    @E5A
WD_ACTIVATE      EQU   1     Activate write_down                 @E5A
WD_INACTIVATE    EQU   2     Inactivate write_down               @E5A
WD_RESET         EQU   3     Reset write_down to default         @E5A
WD_SCOPE_AS      EQU   1     Target ACEE is AS                   @E5A
WD_SCOPE_THD     EQU   2     Target ACEE is task                 @E5A
WD_IS_ACTIVE     EQU   1     Query result: active                @E5A
WD_IS_INACTIVE   EQU   0     Query result: inactive              @E5A
*   Define equates for QUERY_MODE return values                  @E1A
*                                                                @E1A
BIT24_MODE           EQU   1    24 bit AMODE, RMODE or AMODE cap.@E1A
BIT31_MODE           EQU   2    31 bit AMODE, RMODE or AMODE cap.@E1A
BIT64_MODE           EQU   3    64 bit AMODE, RMODE or AMODE cap.@E1A
AMODE_INITIALIZING   EQU   4    AMODE for process not known yet  @PNA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for possible options of ENV_SHUTDOWN_REG
*                                                                @DYA
ENV_REGISTERBLOCK     EQU  1   Register to Block Shutdown        @DYA
ENV_REGISTERPERMP     EQU  2   Register as a Permanent job/proc  @DYA
ENV_DEREGISTERBLOCK   EQU  3   Dereg as a blocking job/proc      @DYA
ENV_DEREGISTERPERM    EQU  4   Dereg as a permanent job/proc     @DYA
ENV_REGISTERNOTIFY    EQU  5   Register as a notify job/proc     @DYA
ENV_DEREGISTERNOTIFY  EQU  6   Dereg as a notify job/proc        @DYA
ENV_REGISTERJOB       EQU  1   Register Job                      @DYA
ENV_REGISTERPROC      EQU  2   Register Process                  @DYA
*                                                                @DYA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for PIDXFER_QUERY return values               @DXA
*                                                                @DXA
PIDXFER_YES          EQU   1    Process was PIDXFERed            @DXA
PIDXFER_NO           EQU   2    Process was not PIDXFERed        @DXC
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for versions of OSMF on BPXESMF syscall
OSMF_VER_HOM1110     EQU   1    Version 1 of OSMF, for HOM1110   @P5A
OSMF_VER_HOM1120     EQU   2    Version 2 of OSMF, for HOM1120   @P5A
OSMF_VER_HOM1130     EQU   3    Version 3 of OSMF, for HOM1130   @P5A
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for task ecurity syscall function codes
TLS_CREATE_THREAD_SEC# EQU 1    Build Task Security              @P7A
TLS_DELETE_THREAD_SEC# EQU 2    Delete Task Security             @P7A
TLS_TASK_ACEE#         EQU 3    set posix identity from task ACEE@DYA
TLS_TASK_ACEE_USP#     EQU 4    User passed ACEE/USP pair        @E6A
TLS_DAEMON_THREAD_SEC# EQU 5    Build unauthenticated Security   @E8A
TLS_IDENTITY_USERID#   EQU 1    User identity: 1-8 char userid   @P7A
TLS_IDENTITY_UID#      EQU 2    User identity: 4-byte uid        @P7A
TLS_IDENTITY_CERT#     EQU 4    User identity: CERT structure    @PFA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for __Security syscall
*   __Security function code
SECURITY_CREATE#       EQU 1    Create new security environment  @DKA
SECURITY_CERTREG#      EQU 2    Register certificate with caller @DOA
SECURITY_CERTDEREG#    EQU 3    DeReg certificate from caller    @DOA
SECURITY_CERTAUTH#     EQU 4    Authorize certificate from caller@E3A
*   __Security user identity
SECURITY_USERID#       EQU 1    User identity is 1-8 char userid @DKA
SECURITY_CERTIFICATE#  EQU 2    User identity is a certificate   @DKA
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for convert_id_np (BPX1CID) syscall function codes
CID_GET_UUID#          EQU 1    Retrieve UUID                    @P8A
CID_GET_USERID#        EQU 2    Retrieve userid                  @P8A
                 SPACE ,
*   Define equates for __pid_affinity (BPX1PAF) syscall function codes
PAF_ADD_PID#           EQU 1    Add PID to affinity list         @DMA
PAF_DELETE_PID#        EQU 2    Delete PID from affinity list    @DMA
                 SPACE ,
* Define equates for auth_check_resource_np  syscall access types
ACK_READ#              EQU 1    Test READ access                 @P8A
ACK_UPDATE#            EQU 2    Test UPDATE access               @P8A
ACK_CONTROL#           EQU 3    Test CONTROL access              @P8A
ACK_ALTER#             EQU 4    Test ALTER access                @P8A
                 SPACE ,
*   The high order two bytes of the reason codes returned by
*   OpenMVS services contains a value that is used to qualify
*   the contents of the low order two bytes. If the contents of
*   the high-order two bytes are within the range of #CMID_LO to
*   #CMID_HI, the error represented by the reason code is defined
*   by OpenMVS. If the contents of the high order two bytes lie
*   outside the range, the error represented by the reason code
*   is not an OpenMVS reason code.
#CMID_LOW            EQU   0000   Low range
#CMID_HI             EQU   8447   High range
*   Define equates for console cmd
CC_MAX_MSG_LENGTH       EQU 17850 Max Wto string length for SUs   @DIC
CC_MAX_MSG_LENGTH_NONSU EQU 17780 Max Wto string length for nonSU @DIC
CC_MODIFY_BUFFER_LENGTH EQU 128  Length of Modify Buffer          @PAC
CONSOLE_MODIFY          EQU   1  Service interrupted by Modify    @PAC
CONSOLE_STOP            EQU   2  Service interrupted by Stop      @PAC
*   Define equates for server_init syscall ManagerType parameter
SRV_WORKMGR             EQU   1  Work Manager services requested  @DGA
SRV_QUEUEMGR            EQU   2  Queue Mgr services requested     @DGA
SRV_SERVERMGR           EQU   4  Server Mgr services requested    @DGA
SRV_SERVERMGRDYNAMIC    EQU   8  Server Mgr With Dynamic mngt     @DSA
*   Define equates for server_pwu syscall FcnCode parameter
SRV_PUT_NEWWRK          EQU   1  Put new work function requested  @DGA
SRV_PUT_SUBWRK          EQU   2  Put sub work function requested  @DGA
SRV_TRANSFER_WRK        EQU   4  Transfer work function requested @DGA
SRV_GET_WRK             EQU   8  Get work function requested      @DGA
SRV_REFRESH_WRK         EQU  16  Refresh work fcn requested       @DGA
SRV_END_WRK             EQU  32  End work function requested      @DGA
SRV_DEL_ENC             EQU  64  Delete Enclave Fcn requested     @DGA
SRV_DISCONNECT          EQU 128  Disconnect from WLM              @PBA
SRV_DISCONNECT_COND     EQU 256  Disconnect conditional from WLM  @PCA
*                       EQU 512  Reserved for internal use        @PGA
*                                See BPXZCONS                     @PGA
*   Define equates for BPX1SLK syscall LockFcnCode parameter
SLK_OBTAIN              EQU   1  Obtain function request          @DZA
SLK_OBTAIN_COND         EQU   2  Obtain conditional function req  @DZA
SLK_INIT                EQU   4  Initialization function request  @DZA
SLK_DESTROY             EQU   8  Destroy function request         @DZA
SLK_RELEASE             EQU  16  Release function request         @DZA
*   Define equates for BPX1SLK syscall LockReqType parameter
SLK_NORMAL              EQU   1  Normal request type              @DZA
SLK_ERRORCHECK          EQU   2  Errorcheck request type          @DZA
SLK_RECURSIVE           EQU   4  Recursive request type           @DZA
*   Define equates for BPX1SLK syscall LockType parameter
SLK_EXCLUSIVE           EQU   1  Exclusive lock type              @DZA
SLK_SHARED              EQU   2  Shared lock type                 @DZA
* Constants for BPX1PCT pfsctl
*  Constants for BPXVRCAC - LFS Cache                             @DHA
PC#ADDFILE              EQU X'80000007' Filecache cmd '80000007'x @PDC
PC#DELETEFILE           EQU X'80000008' Filecache cmd '80000008'x @PDC
PC#PURGECACHE           EQU X'8000000A' Filecache cmd '8000000A'x @PDC
PC#REFRESHCACHE         EQU X'80000009' Filecache cmd '80000009'x @PDC
PC#SHUTDOWNFILESYS      EQU X'8000000B' Soft Shutdown '8000000B'x @DVA
PC#PfsRecycle           EQU X'8000000C' Shutdown PFS for recycle
PC#PfsRestart           EQU X'8000000D' Restart the PFS
PC#SETIBMASYIO          EQU X'C0000006' SetIbm AsyncIO 'C0000006'x@PDC
PC#SETIBMOPTCMD         EQU X'C0000005' SetIBMOpt TCP  'C0000005'x@PDC
PC#ERRORTEXT            EQU X'C000000B' Get error text 'C000000B'x@DNA
*                                                     -1073741813 @DNA
PC#SYSNAMES             EQU X'C000000E' Get sysnames   'C000000C'x@PxA
PC#TDNAMES              EQU X'C000000F' GET CINET TDNAMES         @03A
PC#HFSSTATS             EQU X'C0000010' GET HFS Stats             @PKA
PC#BRLMSRVR             EQU X'C0000011' GET brlm server name      @PKA
PC#SFSDIAG              EQU X'80000012' Shared-FS Diagnose        @DTA
PC#USERSIGNAL           EQU X'C0000013' Set Lost Locks Signal(@05)@06A
PC#DIRGETHOST           EQU X'C0000014' Directed GetHost          @06A
PC#SHUTTINGDOWNFS       EQU X'C0000015' File system shutdown      @E7A
PC#RECYCLEDONE          EQU X'C0000016' recycle is complete       @EDA
*  PC#GetVnodeToken - Allocate Vde & insert an open 
PC#GETVNODETOKEN        EQU X'80000017'                           @F2A
*         inet6_is_srcaddr() function                             @F3A
PC#ISSRCADDR            EQU X'C0000018' inet6_is_srcaddr          @F3A
*  PC#ErrorText Subfunctions   - Request type:
PC#OWNEROK              EQU X'C000001C' owner query               @POA
Start of changePC#MODIFYPFS            EQU X'C000001D' F OMVS,PFS=               @F8AEnd of change
Start of changePC#THREADUNDUB          EQU X'C000001E' Reserved for Thread undub @F9AEnd of change
PC#ETDESC               EQU X'0000'     Get description text      @DNA
PC#ETACTION             EQU X'0001'     Get action text           @DNA
PC#ETMODNAME            EQU X'0002'     Get module name           @DNA
*  PC#ErrorText Error code type
PC#ETREASON             EQU X'0000'     Reason code input         @DNA
PC#ETERRNO              EQU X'0001'     Errno code input          @DNA
*  PC#ShuttingDownFS args
PC#TYPEFILESYS          EQU X'00000001' shutdown=filesys          @E7A
PC#TYPEFILEOWNER        EQU X'00000002' shutdown=fileowner        @E7A
PC#TYPEOMVS             EQU X'00000003' omvs shutdown             @E7A
* Constants for BPX1LOD  - HFS load - options                     @EFC
LOD_ERROR_ST_EXLINK     EQU X'80000000'  Error if sticky/ext lnk  @DRA
LOD_IGNORE_STICKY       EQU X'40000000'  Skip sticky check        @DRA
* Constants for BPX1LDX  - extended HFS load - options            @EFC
*                          and directed load returned parameters
LOD_DIRECTED            EQU X'20000000'  Directed loadhfs         @ECA
DIRECTEDLOADRETURNEDPARMS   DSECT ,                               @ECA
                            ORG DIRECTEDLOADMODULELENGTH64        @ECA
                            DS  F                                 @ECA
                            ORG DIRECTEDLOADMODULESTART64         @ECA
                            DS  F                                 @ECA
                            ORG DIRECTEDLOADMODULEENTRYPT64       @ECA
                            DS  F                                 @ECA
* Constants for BPX1DSD                                           @DPA
SW_SIGDLV_ENABLE#       EQU 1                                     @DPA
SW_SIGDLV_DISABLE#      EQU 2                                     @DPA
*   Define equates for BPX1OSE syscall function_code parameter
OSENV_GET               EQU   1  get function                     @DQA
OSENV_SET               EQU   2  set function                     @DQA
OSENV_UNSET             EQU   4  unset function                   @DQA
OSENV_PERSIST           EQU   8  persist function                 @DQA
OSENV_UNPERSIST         EQU   16 unpersist function               @DQA
*   Define equates for BPX1OSE syscall Request_Flags parameter
OSENV_WLM               EQU   1  WLM Enclave membership           @DQA
OSENV_SECURITY          EQU   2  pthread security environment     @DQA
*   Define equates for BPX1PQG syscall RequestType parameter
THDQ_FREEZE             EQU   2  Freezes the threads identified in
*                                the THDQ Data List array (BPXYTHDQ)
*                                                                 @DUA
THDQ_UNFREEZE_ALL       EQU   8  Unfreezes all threads that are frozen
*                                in the caller process            @DUA
THDQ_GET_STATE          EQU   1  Retrieves the state data for the
*                                threads identified in the THDQ data
*                                list array or for all threads.
*                                This value can only be specified with
*                                THDQ_FREEZE                      @DUA