BPX4MNT (__mount) example

The following code requests that the file system __mount the system file and ready it for use. The file system name and mount parameters are encoded into the various fields in the MNTE. See mount (BPX1MNT) — Make a file system available. AMODE 31 callers use BPX2MNT (__mount) example.
         LA    R14,MNTEH             R14->MNTEH and MNTE                
         L     R15,MNTEL             R15 = Length of MNTEH and MNTE     
         XR    R0,R0                 Dummy 2nd operand                  
         XR    R1,R1                 Pad=null, length=0                 
         MVCL  R14,R0                Null out MNTEH and MNTE            
         MVC   MNTEHID,=CL4'MNT2'          Version indicator            
         MVC   MNTEHBLEN,=A(MNTE#LENGTH)   Length of MNTE               
         MVC   MNTENTFSTNAME(08),=CL08'HFS'     HFS type name           
         MVC   MNTENTFSNAME(44),=CL44'TESTLIB.FILESYS1'  Filesystem     
         MVC   MNTENTMOUNTPOINT(02),=CL02'/u'   Mount point             
         MVC   MNTENTPATHLEN,=F'2'                                      
         MVC   MNTENTFSMODE4,=A(MNTENTFSMODERDONLY)   Filesystem mode   
         CALL  BPX4MNT,              Ready a file system for use       +
               (MNTEL,               Input: MNTE length (hdr + body)   +
               MNTEH,                Input: MNTE                       +
               RETVAL,               Return value: 0 or -1             +
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ----------------------------------