Listing process IDs of processes with open files

It is often helpful to know which processes have open files. This information can be provided with the fuser utility.

The fuser utility lists the process IDs of all processes on the local system that have one or more named files open.

The syntax of the command is as follows:

fuser [-cfku] file
file is the path name of the file for which information is to be returned, or, if the-c option is used, the path name of a file on the file system for which information is to be reported.
Reports on all open files within the file system of which the specified file is a member.
Reports on only the named files. This is the default for this command.
Sends the SIGKILL signal to each local process. Note that only a superuser can terminate a process that belongs to another user.
The user name associated with each process ID is written to standard error.