Using OGETX to copy files into a PDS or PDSE

The OGETX command is actually an exec that calls OGET. You can use the OGETX command to copy either of these:
  • Files from a z/OS UNIX directory to an MVS™ partitioned data set or PDSE
  • An individual file to a sequential data set or member of a partitioned data set
For the copy, you can specify text or binary data and select code page conversion. When copying a directory, you can specify a copy from lowercase file names and delete one or all suffixes from the file names when they become PDS member names. For a file to be copied, its name must conform to partitioned data set member name conventions after any suffix and LC processing is done. Member names can be 1–8-character uppercase alphanumeric or national characters (A–Z, 0–9, $, #, @). They cannot start with a numeric.

If you specify a particular suffix, only files with that suffix are copied—with the suffix deleted. If you use the SUFFIX operand without specifying a particular suffix, any file names with suffixes have the suffix deleted, and all files are copied. (After the suffix is deleted, if more than one file has the same name, each subsequent file that is copied overlays a file with the same name that was copied previously.)

The single quotation marks around the directory name and file name are optional. Avoid using OGETX with pathnames that contain quotes and spaces.

You can use the CONVERT option for single-byte data, but not for double-byte data. See Double-byte data for information on code page conversion for double-byte data.

If the OGETX command creates a new data set, it has the same format and size as a data set created by the OGET command. For details on the OGETX command, see z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.