
The LC_SYNTAX setting does not affect:
  • REXX execs.
  • The ISPF shell (ISHELL). ISHELL runs in the locale that MVS™ is using, and therefore this could be different from the shell locale.
  • Shell scripts. The code page in which a shell script is encoded must match the code page of the locale in which it is run. For a shell script to be shared by multiple users, they must all be in a locale that uses the same code page as the code page in which the shell script is encoded.

    If you have different users operating in various locales, you need multiple copies of a shell script, one for each different locale code page. You can use the iconv command to convert a shell script from one code page to another.

    If shell scripts are tagged and automatic conversion is not enabled, then the code page in which a shell script is encoded must match the code page of the locale in which it is run.

    If shell scripts are tagged and automatic conversion is enabled, then the locale must indicate a SBCS code page.