Example: Using OGET with a PDSE member

If a person with the user ID TURBO enters the following command:
OGET '/u/turbo/wkld/totals/oct17' WORKLOAD.TOTALS(OCT17) CONVERT(YES)
the system:
  • Copies the text file /u/turbo/wkld/totals/oct17 into the member OCT17 of the PDSE TURBO.WORKLOAD.TOTALS. (The default file type is a text file.)
  • Converts the data from code page IBM-1047 to the MVS™ code page IBM-037, using the default conversion table. You can specify a table name if you do not want to use the default table. If you do not want conversion, omit the CONVERT operand.

    For more information, see Copying data: Code page conversion.

If a member by this name already exists in the data set, it is replaced. If the member does not exist, a new member is created. However, if a partitioned data set or PDSE does not exist, it is not allocated.

If you are moving the z/OS UNIX file permanently to an MVS data set, remove it from the file system with the rm shell command.