The if conditional

An if conditional runs a sequence of commands if a particular condition is met. It has the form:
if condition
then commands
The end of the commands is indicated by fi (which is "if" backward). For example, you could have:
if test -d $1
then ls $1
This tests to see if the string associated with the first positional parameter, $1, is the name of a directory. If so, it runs an ls command to display the contents of the directory.
Any number of commands may come between the then and the fi that ends the control structure. For example, you might have written:
    test -d $1
    echo "$1 is a directory"
    ls $1
This example also shows that the commands do not have to begin on the same line as then, and the condition being tested does not have to begin on the same line as if. The condition and the commands are indented to make them stand out more clearly. This is a good way to make your shell scripts easier to read.
Another form of the if conditional is:
if condition
then commands
else commands
If the condition is true, the commands after the then are run; otherwise, the commands after the else are run. For example, suppose you know that the string associated with the variable pathname is the name of either a directory or a file. Then you could write:
    test -d $pathname
    echo "$pathname is a directory"
    ls $pathname
    echo "$pathname is a file"
    cat  $pathname
If the value of pathname is the name of a file, this shell script uses echo to display an appropriate message, and then uses cat to display the contents of the file.
The final form of the if control structure is:
if condition1
then commands1
elif condition2
then commands2
elif condition3
then commands3
else commands
elif is short for "else if" In this example, if condition1 is true, commands1 are run; otherwise, the shell goes on to check condition2. If that is true, commands2 are run; otherwise, the shell goes on to check condition3 and so on. If none of the test conditions are true, the commands after the else are run. Here is an example of how this can be used:
if test ! "$1"
    echo "no positional parameters"
elif test -d $1
    echo "$1 is a directory"
    ls $1
elif test -f $1
    echo "$1 is a file"
    cat $1
    echo "$1 is just a string"
The test after the if determines if the value of the first positional parameter, $1, is an empty string. If so, there are no positional parameters, and the shell script uses echo to display an appropriate message; otherwise, the script checks to see if the parameter is a directory name; if so, the contents of the directory are listed with ls (after an appropriate message). If that does not work, the script checks to see if the parameter is a file name; if so, the contents of the file are listed with cat (after an appropriate message). Finally, if none of the previous tests work, the parameter is assumed to be an arbitrary string, and the script displays a message to this effect.
You could put that script into a file named listit and run commands of the form:
listit name
to list the contents of name in a useful form.