Redirecting input and output

Character Usage Example
< Redirects input to a specified file. Redirecting input from a file.
> Redirects output to a specified file. Redirecting command output to a file.
>> Redirects output to be appended to the end of the specified file. Redirecting command output to a file.
>& Redirects stdout and stderr. Redirecting error output to a file.
<<text Reads standard input until it encounters text. This is used in what is called a “here-document.” Input is usually typed on the screen or in a shell script. For example, this script creates a file called hello.c, compiles it into hello, and then executes it:
# create program
cat > hello.c << EOF
main() {
   puts("Hello, World!\n");
# compile program
c89 -o hello hello.c
#execute program
When you run the shell script, it runs the cat > hello.c command using the input between the two End_of_File strings.