
Using overlays on printers with different resolutions

Using overlays on printers with different resolutions

PSF supports multiple system overlay libraries, as follows:

  • 240–pel library
  • 300–pel library
  • Default library

The respective system libraries would contain overlays designed to print at 240–pel resolution, 300–pel resolution, or at any resolution. If you know that your overlay prints best at a certain resolution, then you can store the overlay in the system library designed for it and specify this resolution to PSF.

You can use any of several methods to specify the format resolution:

  • Your system programmer can specify a format resolution by using the Printer Inventory or the Resource Exit 7.
  • Specify the RESFMT keyword on the OUTPUT statement. RESFMT indicates the resolution in which the overlays were formatted. See Specifying AFP parameters in the JCL for more information.
  • Let PSF use the default system overlay library.