z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Samples
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Switched major node for line 1088 from NCP A31

z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Samples

Code a PU definition statement for each physical unit in the switched major node. In this sample of a switched major node residing on the A02N node, the CPNAME operand on the PU definition statement specifies A81N as the control point name of a type 2.1 peripheral node. The CPNAME operand must be used for a switched connection, when the type 2.1 peripheral node is a VTAM®. For VTAM to locate the physical and logical unit definitions, the value of the CPNAME operand on the switched line definition must be the same as the value of the SSCPNAME start option in the attaching VTAM type 2.1 peripheral node.

Code a PATH definition statement in the switched major node to allow VTAM to establish the connection to the token-ring attached peripheral node. In this sample, the NTRIPTH PATH statement specifies for the DIALNO operand the value 0204400000003131, where
  • 02 is the token-ring interface coupler (TIC) number of the communication controller
  • 04 is the service access point (SAP) address of the terminal
  • 400000003131 are the last 6 bytes of the terminal's ring-station address

DIALNO is required if the physical unit is used as a dial-out physical unit.

Because a dial-out connection will be made to the PU associated with this PATH definition statement, the GRPNM operand is required. The name coded for the GROUP definition statement in the NCP major node must match the GRPNM operand on the PATH definition statement in the switched major node. Therefore, by specifying GRPNM=A04BNNG1, you are restricting the users that can dial into your system to the users in the group A04BNNG1.
*  =====> BEGINNING OF DATA SET A02S1088
*   A02S1088 - VTAM SWITCHED MAJOR NODE -  SUBAREA A02               *
*            - CONNECTS TO A31 LINE 1088                             *
*   NTRI CASUAL CONNECTION FROM A02 TO A81                           *
A02S1088 VBUILD TYPE=SWNET,          ** SWITCHED MAJOR NODE         ** X
               MAXGRP=9,             ** NUMBER UNIQUE PATH GROUPS   ** X
               MAXNO=9               ** NUMBER UNIQUE PHONE NUMBERS **
NTRI0488 PU    ADDR=04,              ** STATION ADDRESS             ** X
               CPNAME=A81N,          ** DESTINATION SSCP NAME       ** X
               MAXPATH=2,            ** NUM DIAL PATHS FOR PU       ** X
               PUTYPE=2              ** PHYSICAL UNIT TYPE          **
NTRIPTH  PATH  DIALNO=0204400000003131, ** TELEPHONE NUMBER         ** X
               GRPNM=A04BNNG1        ** SWITCHED GROUP NAME         **
               MAXSESS=2,            ** SESSION LIMIT               ** X
               MODETAB=AMODETAB      ** LOGON MODE TABLE NAME       **
*  =====> END OF DATA SET A02S1088

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