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  1. On the PORT statement for all connections other than Enterprise Extender, code VNNAME if you code VNGROUP.
  2. On the PORT statement for Enterprise Extender connections, VNNAME is not required if VNTYPE=GLOBAL, otherwise code VNNAME if you code VNGROUP.
  3. VNNAME is valid on the GROUP statement only if this is an Enterprise Extender XCA major node (MEDIUM=HPRIP on the PORT statement).

Specifies a 1–17 character network-qualified CPNAME for the connection network. VNNAME is reported to the network topology as a virtual node and is treated as an adjacent CP to this node. If the name is not network-qualified, the NETID of the SSCP that owns the connection network (NETID of the host) is used.

For sessions that are routed through the connection network, a dynamic PU is created to represent the destination node. In effect, DYNPU=YES is enforced automatically when a session is established through the connection network.