z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services
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Return and Reason Codes

z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services

Return and Reason Codes

When the IWM4QIN macro returns control to your program:

  • GPR 15 (and retcode, when you code RETCODE) contains a return code.
  • When the value in GPR 15 is not zero, GPR 0 (and rsncode, when you code RSNCODE) contains reason code.

The following table identifies the hexadecimal return and reason codes and the equate symbol associated with each reason code. IBM® support personnel may request the entire reason code, including the xxxx value.

Table 90. Return and Reason Codes for the IWM4QIN Macro
Return CodeReason CodeEquate Symbol, Meaning, and Action
0Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeOk

Meaning: Successful completion.

Action: None required.

4Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeWarning

Meaning: Successful completion, unusual conditions noted.

4xxxx042EEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeServerNotFound

Meaning: The server token does not identify an existing server tas The server task may have terminated since the token was obtained.

Action: If the server task has not terminated, check that the correct token is specified.

4xxxx043AEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeRegionNotFound

Meaning: The region token does not identify a valid server region.

Action: Please specify the correct region token.

8Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeInvocError

Meaning: Invalid invocation environment or parameters.

8xxxx0803Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeDisabled

Meaning: Caller is disabled.

Action: Avoid requesting this function while disabled.

8xxxx0804Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeLocked

Meaning: Caller is locked.

Action: Avoid requesting this function while locked.

8xxxx080BEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadPl

Meaning: Error accessing parameter list.

Action: Check for possible storage overlay.

8xxxx0821Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadConn

Meaning: Input connect token does not pass validity checking.

Action: Make sure to use the connect token returned by the IWM4CON service requesting Queue_Manager=Yes, or Server_Manager=Yes with Server_Type=Queue.

8xxxx0823Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeDatoff

Meaning: The caller invoked the service while DATOFF

Action: Avoid requesting this function in this environment.

8xxxx0824Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeAmode24

Meaning: The caller invoked the service but was in 24-bit addressing mode.

Action: Request this function only when you are in 31-bit addressing mode.

8xxxx0825Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeAscModeNotPrimary

Meaning: The caller invoked the service but was not in primary ASC mode.

Action: Avoid requesting this function in this environment.

8xxxx0827Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeRsvdNot0

Meaning: Reserved field in parameter list was non-zero.

Action: Check for use of keywords that are not supported by the MVS™ release on which the program is running.

8xxxx0828Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadVersion

Meaning: Version number in parameter list is not valid.

Action: Check for possible storage overlay of the parameter list.

8xxxx083AEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadEnclave

Meaning: Enclave token in parameter list is not valid.

Action: Check the specification of the ETOKEN parameter.

8xxxx083FEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodePrimaryNotOwnConn

Meaning: Primary address space does not own the passed connect token.

Action: Ensure that the primary address space has previously connected to WLM using the IWM4CON macro. Ensure that the connect token returned by the IWM4CON macro is passed to the IWM4QIN macro.

8xxxx0840Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeServiceNotEnabled

Meaning: The caller's space connection is not enabled for this service

Action: Make sure that Queue_Manager=Yes, or Server_Manager=Yes with Server_Type=Queue is specified on the IWM4CON request to enable this service.

8xxxx0842Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNoWLMConnect

Meaning: The caller's space disconnected from WLM during processing of the insert request.

Action: None.

8xxxx0845Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeWrongEnclave

Meaning: The caller tried to queue a secondary work request to a specific server task using the SERVER_TOKEN parameter. The caller's enclave token does not match the enclave token of the last work request selected by the server task.

Action: Check that the correct enclave token was specified. Check that the server task is invoking the IWM4SSL and IWM4SSM macros in the correct sequence.

8xxxx089CEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeDupAENameInsert

Meaning: The caller tried to insert to an application environment with a duplicate name within the same node concurrently.

Action: Make sure not to insert requests to a dynamic and static application environment within the same node concurrently.

CEquate Symbol: IwmRetCodeEnvError

Meaning: Environmental error.

Cxxxx0C01Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNoStg

Meaning: Storage is not available for the request.

Action: Contact your system programmer. There is a common storage shortage.

Cxxxx0C16Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeServerUnavail

Meaning: A server cannot be started to process the work request. This is probably caused by one of the following:

  1. An error in the JCL procedure used to start the server address space.
  2. Repeated, unexpected terminations of the server address space.

In either of these cases, workload management stops the application environment. A DISPLAY WLM command shows this state as INTERNALLY STOPPED.

Action: Look at the system log to determine what caused the error:

  1. If it is a JCL error, correct the error in the procedure.
  2. If it is repeated terminations of the server address space, correct the application error causing the termination.

In either case, the server environment can then be resumed using the VARY operator command: V WLM,APLLENV=nnn,RESUME where nnn is the applicable application environment name.

A re-IPL of some or all of the systems in the sysplex does not reset the stopped state of the application environment. The VARY command is the only way to resume the environment.
Cxxxx0C1AEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeApplNotDefined

Meaning: The application environment name is not defined in the active WLM policy.

Action: Check whether the correct application environment name is being used. If so, a service administrator must define the application environment in the WLM service definition.

Cxxxx0C1BEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeApplNotSST

Meaning: The application environment name is defined for use by a different subsystem type in the active WLM policy.

Action: Check whether the correct application environment name is being used. If so, a service administrator must change the application environment in the WLM service definition to specify the correct subsystem type.

Cxxxx0C1DEquate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeQMgrNotActive

Meaning: The required Queue Manager is not active.

Action: The Queue Manager with the same subsystem type and name as the server must be started and connected to workload management before the request can be honored.

Cxxxx0C22Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeApplEnvQuiesced

Meaning: For server applications connecting to WLM with subsystem type IWEB only: The application environment has been quiesced. The work reqeust is not inserted to the WLM work queue.

Action: Resume the application environment.

Cxxxx0C40Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNoSafCheckPossible

Meaning: MLS is active but a security check could not be performed probably for one of the following reasons:

  • No security decision could be made. The RACF® router was not loaded; the request, resource, subsystem combination could not be found in the RACF ROUTER table,...
  • A resource or class name is not defined to RACF or the class has not been RAClisted.
  • The class was RAClisted, but the data space cannot be accessed due to an ALESERV failure.
  • The class was RAClisted, but the data space has been deleted.
  • No security decision could be made. The RACF router was not loaded,; the request, resource, subsystem combination could not be found in the RACF ROUTER table.

Action: Contact your RACF Security Administrator. Check if RACF is properly installed, configured and tuned. Correct the eventual problems.

Cxxxx0C41Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeSafCheckFailed

Meaning: MLS is active. Queue Manager and Server Manager are not authorized to communicate.

Action: Normally none. If QM and SM really must communicate, conta your RACF Security Administrator. Set the appropriate Security Labels.

Cxxxx0C42Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeAletError

Meaning: Error while accessing access list with ALESERV probably because of one of the following

  1. The current access list cannot be expanded. There are no free access list entries and the maximum size has been reached.
  2. ALESERV could not obtain storage for an expanded access list.

Action: Delete unused entries and reissue the request in first case. Free some storage and retry the request in second case. Contact your System Programmer if none works.

10Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeCompError

Meaning: Component error.

Action: Contact your system programmer.

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