z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services
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Return and Reason Codes

z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services

Return and Reason Codes

When the IWMRCOLL macro returns control to your program:

  • GPR 15 (and retcode, when you code RETCODE) contains a return code.
  • When the value in GPR 15 is not zero, GPR 0 (and rsncode, when you code RSNCODE) contains a reason code.

The following table identifies the hexadecimal return and reason codes and the equate symbol associated with each reason code. IBM® support personnel may request the entire reason code, including the xxxx value.

Table 46. Return and Reason Codes for the IWMRCOLL Macro
Return CodeReturn CodeEquate Symbol, Meaning, and Action

Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeOk

Meaning: Successful completion. All requested data returned.

Action: None required.


Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeWarning

Meaning: Successful completion, unusual conditions noted.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeOutputAreaTooSmall

Meaning: The output area supplied is too small to receive all the available information. The correct answer area length is returned in the MINLEN and MAXLEN fields.

Action: None required. If necessary, reinvoke the service with an output area of sufficient size to receive all information.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeStateInvDataRet

Meaning: The token value specified on the ANSTOKN keyword is associated with a WLM state that is no longer valid. The new system state is represented by the token returned in the ANSTOKN field. The answer area provided is large enough to contain the available data. However, the new answer area lengths are returned in the MINLEN and MAXLEN fields.

Action: Reinvoke the service with the token passed with the ANSTOKN keyword.


Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeInvocError

Meaning: Invalid invocation environment or parameters.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeSrbMode

Meaning: The caller is in SRB mode.

Action: Avoid requesting this function while in SRB mode.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeDisabled

Meaning: The caller is disabled.

Action: Avoid requesting this function while disabled.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeLocked

Meaning: The caller is locked.

Action: Avoid requesting this function while locked.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeEutFrr

Meaning: The caller has an EUT FRR set.

Action: Avoid requesting this function with an EUT FRR set.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeBadAlet

Meaning: The caller specified an invalid alet for the storage pointed to by the ANSAREA keyword.

Action: Check for possible storage overlay of the parameter list or variable.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeStateInvNoDatRet

Meaning: The token value specified on the ANSTOKN keyword is associated with a WLM state that is no longer valid. A new token has been returned. The storage provided is not large enough to contain all of the data available because of the state change. No data was returned. The length of the new answer area required is returned in the MINLEN and MAXLEN fields.

Action: Reinvoke the service with an output area of sufficient size to receive all information and the token passed with the ANSTOKN keyword.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNotInCompatMode

Meaning: IWMRCOLL was invoked with a parameter list specifying ICS=YES. WLM no longer supports compatibility mode, and therefore no longer returns ICS information.

Action: Reinvoke IWMRCOLL with ICS=NO specified.


Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeEnvError

Meaning: Environmental error


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeNoStg

Meaning: Storage is not available for the request.

Action: There is a storage shortage. The function may work successfully at a later time.


Equate Symbol: IwmRsnCodeSuspended

Meaning: Data collection is suspended as a result of a component error. No data can be returned for this IWMRCOLL invocation, future invocations may be successful.

Action: Reinvoke this service.


Equate Symbol: IwmRetCodeCompError

Meaning: Component error

Action: No action required. The function may work successfully if invoked again.

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