z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services
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z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services


The parameters are explained as follows:

An optional symbol, starting in column 1, that is the name on the IWMECREA macro invocation. The name must conform to the rules for an ordinary assembler language symbol.
When TYPE=MONENV is specified, a required parameter, which describes how to access the monitoring environment.
indicates that the monitoring environment can be accessed in the caller's primary address space. This would be appropriate if the monitoring environment was established (by IWMMCREA) to be used by routines in a specific system key or if it was established to be used in a specific user key in the current primary.
indicates that the monitoring environment must be accessed in the home address space, which is not the caller's primary address space. This would be appropriate if the monitoring environment was established (by IWMMCREA) for use by a specific user key.
When TYPE=INDEPENDENT is specified, a required input parameter, which contains the work arrival time in STCK format. This is the time at which the business work request is considered to have arrived and from which point the system evaluates elapsed time for the work request.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a 64 bit field.

When TYPE=INDEPENDENT is specified, a required input parameter, which contains the classification information in the format of the parameter list for IWMCLSFY. Note that this name is the data area name, not its pointer. IWMCLSFY MF(M) should be used to initialize the area prior to invocation of IWMECREA.

Note that the variable length fields associated with the classify parameter list given by the CLSFY keyword have the following limitations in addition to those documented in IWMCLSFY:

  • SUBSYSPM is limited to 255 bytes
  • COLLECTION is limited to 18 bytes
  • CORRELATION is limited to 12 bytes

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a character field.

When TYPE=INDEPENDENT is specified, an optional parameter, which denotes how the work manager indicates the start and end point of an EWLM work request when participating in cross-platform enterprise workload management (EWLM). The default is ESTRT=IMPLIED.
If the work manager previously connected to WLM with IWMCONN EWLM=YES, a work request is started implicitly when the enclave is created. If IWMESTOP was not invoked before, the work request will be stopped implicitly when the enclave is deleted.
The work manager indicates the start and end point of an EWLM work request by invoking the services IWMESTRT and IWMESTOP. Note that this option is only meaningful, if the work manager previously connected to WLM with IWMCONN EWLM=YES.
Indicates the same as option ESTRT=EXPLICIT and, in addition, the application ensures that only one work request is active. No nested calls to IWMESTRT are allowed. If this option is specified the CPU consumption on all EWLM enclave services (IWMEGCOR, IWMESTRT, IWMESTOP, IWMEBLK, IWMEUBLK) will be reduced. If ESTRT=EXPLICIT_SINGLE is specified on IWMECREA, the application must also add the EWLMMODE=EXPLICIT_SINGLE parameter on all calls to IWMEGCOR, IWMESTRT, IWMESTOP, IWMEBLK and IWMEUBLK. If this parameter is used, the application has some restrictions on all calls to IWMEGCOR, IWMESTRT, IWMESTOP, IWMEBLK and IWMEUBLK. Refer to the corresponding macro descriptions for details.
Indicates that this enclave will never use any EWLM-related enclave services (IWMEGCOR, IWMESTRT, IWMESTOP, IWMEBLK, and IWMEUBLK) after the enclave has been created, even if the work manager has registered (IWM4CON or IWMCONN) with EWMLM=YES. Moreover IWMECREA will not start an EWLM work request on the enclave and will not do any EWLM-related processing.
A required output parameter, which will receive the enclave token.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an 8-character field.

When TYPE=INDEPENDENT is specified, an optional parameter, which indicates whether the enclave execution start time should begin when the first IWMSTBGN or IWMEJOIN is executed. The time between enclave create and the first IWMSTBGN or IWMEJOIN is assumed to be the queue time. The default is EXSTARTDEFER=NO
indicates that the enclave execution start time should not begin when the first IWMSTBGN or IWMEJOIN is executed.
indicates that the enclave execution start time should begin when the first IWMSTBGN or IWMEJOIN is executed.
When TYPE=INDEPENDENT is specified, a required input parameter, which contains the descriptive name for the function for which the enclave was created.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an 8-character field.

,MF=(L,list addr)
,MF=(L,list addr,attr)
,MF=(L,list addr,0D)
,MF=(E,list addr)
,MF=(E,list addr,COMPLETE)
An optional input parameter that specifies the macro form.

Use MF=S to specify the standard form of the macro, which builds an inline parameter list and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service. MF=S is the default.

Use MF=L to specify the list form of the macro. Use the list form together with the execute form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The list form defines an area of storage that the execute form uses to store the parameters. Only the PLISTVER parameter may be coded with the list form of the macro.

Use MF=E to specify the execute form of the macro. Use the execute form together with the list form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The execute form of the macro stores the parameters into the storage area defined by the list form, and generates the macro invocation to transfer control to the service.

,list addr
The name of a storage area to contain the parameters. For MF=S and MF=E, this can be an RS-type address or an address in register (1)-(12).
An optional 1- to 60-character input string that you use to force boundary alignment of the parameter list. Use a value of 0F to force the parameter list to a word boundary, or 0D to force the parameter list to a doubleword boundary. If you do not code attr, the system provides a value of 0D.
Specifies that the system is to check for required parameters and supply defaults for omitted optional parameters.
When TYPE=MONENV is specified, a required input parameter, which contains the delay monitoring token which describes the current business unit of work. If the monitoring environment is related to an address space, then it must be the current home address space.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a 32 bit field.

An optional input parameter that specifies the version of the macro. PLISTVER determines which parameter list the system generates. PLISTVER is an optional input parameter on all forms of the macro, including the list form. When using PLISTVER, specify it on all macro forms used for a request and with the same value on all of the macro forms. The values are:
  • IMPLIED_VERSION, which is the lowest version that allows all parameters specified on the request to be processed. If you omit the PLISTVER parameter, IMPLIED_VERSION is the default.
  • MAX, if you want the parameter list to be the largest size currently possible. This size might grow from release to release and affect the amount of storage that your program needs.

    If you can tolerate the size change, IBM® recommends that you always specify PLISTVER=MAX on the list form of the macro. Specifying MAX ensures that the list-form parameter list is always long enough to hold all the parameters you might specify on the execute form, when both are assembled with the same level of the system. In this way, MAX ensures that the parameter list does not overwrite nearby storage.

  • 0, which supports all parameters except those specifically referenced in higher versions.
  • 1, which supports the following parameters and those from version 0 :
  • 2, which supports the following parameter and those from version 0 and 1:
  • 3, which supports the following parameters and those from version 0, 1, and 2:

To code: Specify one of the following:

  • MAX
  • A decimal value of 0, 1, 2, or 3
An optional output parameter into which the return code is to be copied from GPR 15.

To code: Specify the RS-type address of a fullword field, or register (2)-(12).

An optional output parameter into which the reason code is to be copied from GPR 0.

To code: Specify the RS-type address of a fullword field, or register (2)-(12).

An optional parameter, which indicates the type of enclave being created. The default is TYPE=INDEPENDENT.
indicates that the enclave represents a new business unit of work with its own business objectives.
indicates that the enclave represents a continuation of the business unit of work represented by the current home address space.
indicates that the enclave represents a continuation of the business unit of work represented by the input monitoring environment.
When ESTRT=IMPLIED and TYPE=INDEPENDENT are specified, an optional output parameter that will receive the handle which represents the work request. The application must pass this handle to the other work request services IWMESTOP, IWMEBLK, IWMEUBLK, and IWMEGCOR.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an 8-character field.

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