Using inheritance in classification rules

Keep in mind that if you leave out the service class or report class on a classification rule, the work inherits the service class or report class from the higher level rule.

You can use this to your advantage by using the qualifier that applies to the most service classes in the subsystem as your first level qualifier. You can then list the exceptions in the subsequent levels.

Example of using inheritance

For example, for CICS®, the available qualifiers include subsystem instance, user ID, transaction name, and LU name.
Subsystem Type . . . . . . . : CICS
Description  . . . . . . . . . CICS subsystem
                                            Service     Report
                                  DEFAULTS: CICSB       ________
1  UI         ATMA                          CICSA       ATMA
2    TN         CASH                        ________    CASHA
2    TN         DEPOSIT                     ________    DEPOSITA
3      LU         WALLST                    ________    BIGDEP
1  UI         ATMC                          CICSC       ATMC
2    TN         CASH                        ________    CASHC
2    TN         DEPOSIT                     ________    DEPOSITC
3      LU         WALLST                    ________    BIGDEP
In this example, the installation set up their user IDs for their CICS work according to the ATM setup that they have. Since all of their interactive work is related to the ATMs, they chose user ID as their first level qualifier. Then, they wanted to separate out their cash transactions from their deposit transactions for reporting purposes, so they set up a report class for each.

The transactions do not have a service class explicitly assigned to them, so they inherit the service class from the rule one level before.

In addition, for the deposit transactions, they wanted to separate out those deposits coming from ATMs on Wall St location, because that area had been having some service troubles. So they defined a report class at a level 3 under the DEPOSIT transactions for each ATM user ID.

You cannot nest Start of changeallEnd of change qualifier types within themselves. For example, if you choose user ID as a first level, you cannot use user ID as a second level, or sub-rule qualifier. Nesting is allowed only for qualifiers longer than 8 characters and their associated groups. These are: See Organizing work for classification for how to nest using the start position.

Keep in mind that the system sequentially checks for a match against each level one rule. When it finds a match, it continues just in that family through the level two rules for the first match. Similarly, if a match is found at any given level, then its sub-rules are searched for further qualifier matches. The last matching rule is the one that determines the service class and report class to be assigned.

Example 1: Using the order of rules

Suppose you have defined the following classification rules for your IMS™ work:
                                            Service     Report
                                  DEFAULTS: IMSB        ________
1  Tran Name  5128                          IMSA        ________
  2  LU Name    BERMU                       IMSC ___    ________
Suppose the following kind of work requests enter the system:
               Transaction 1     Transaction 2    Transaction 3
Tran Name         5128              6666             5128
LU Name           BERMU             BERMU            CANCUN
  • Transaction 1 is assigned service class IMSC, because the transaction 5128 is from the BERMU LU name.
  • Transaction 2 is assigned service class IMSB, the subsystem default, because it is not transaction 5128, and therefore the system never checks any sub-rules.
  • Transaction 3 is assigned service class IMSA, because it is associated with LU name CANCUN.
  • If you specified the classification rules as:
    1  LU Name    BERMU                         IMSC        ________
      2  Tran Name  5128                        IMSA ___    ________
    Then all work from LU BERMU is assigned in service class IMSC, except work with Tran name 5128.

Example 2: Using the order of rules

Suppose you have defined the following rules for your IMS work:
   -------Qualifier----                     -------Class--------
   Type       Name                          Service     Report
                                  DEFAULTS: PRDIMSR     ________
1  SI         IMST                          TRNIMSR     ________
  2  TC         15                          TRNIMSNR    ________
1  TC         15                            PRDIMSNR    ________
1  SI         IMSM                          MDLIMSR     ________
  2  TC         15                          MDLIMSNR    ________
  • If a work request in transaction class (TC) 15 enters the system from subsystem instance (SI) IMST, it is assigned service class TRNIMSNR.
  • If a work request in transaction class (TC) 15 enters the system from subsystem instance (SI) IMSM, it is assigned service class PRDIMSNR and not MDLIMSNR as you might expect.
    This is because the level 1 classification rule
    1  TC         15                            PRDIMSNR    ________
    comes first and the more explicit classification rule comes second:
    1  SI         IMSM                          MDLIMSR     ________
      2  TC         15                          MDLIMSNR    ________
    The system stopped on the first level one match that it encountered. You can re-order the rules so that this does not occur. Put the most explicit rule first and the more general rule second as shown here:
       -------Qualifier----                     -------Class--------
       Type       Name                          Service     Report
                                      DEFAULTS: PRDIMSR     ________
    1  SI         IMST                          TRNIMSR     ________
    2    TC         15                          TRNIMSNR    ________
    1  SI         IMSM                          MDLIMSR     ________
    2    TC         15                          MDLIMSNR    ________
    1  TC         15                            PRDIMSNR    ________