VLFDATA STATS subcommand output

This report provides statistics pertaining to the usage of VLF. If the optional class is specified, the report shows statistics only for the specified VLF class.

Figure 1. Example: VLFDATA STATS subcommand output (part 1 of 2)
************************** TOP OF DATA *******************************
  BLS18077I VLFDATA processing may not be valid for a VIRTUAL dump

  *** ***    FORMAT VLFDATA     *** ***

     Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF)

     VLF  address space = ASID(X'0011')

  VLFDATA  subcommand

  *                                                                 *
  *                       VLF Statistics Report                     *
  *                                                                 *

      Number of classes                               17
      DPT termination count                            0
      TRIM termination count                           0

VLFNOTE Statistics:
        Requests to purge a class                      0
        Requests to purge a volume                     0
        Requests to delete a major                     0
        Requests against a minor                       0

Cross-System Notification Statistics:
        Requests to purge a volume                     0
        Requests to delete a major                     0
        Requests against a minor                       0

Major name statistics:
        PDS major names                                3
        PDS major name instances                       0
        Eligible PDS major name instances              0

        Non-PDS major names                           24
        Non-PDS major name instances                   2
        Eligible non-PDS major instances               2

        Majors in transitional states:
          Major names                                  0
          Major name instances                        43

User statistics:
        Number of ASIDs                               64
        Number of ASIDs using VLF                      0
        Maximum number of users in one ASID            0
        Number of active IDENTIFYs                     0
        Number of latent IDENTIFYs                     0

Figure 2. Example: VLFDATA STATS subcommand output (part 2 of 2)
Statistics for class CLASS1
        Class state: Class is not defined but was previously defined.
        Number of successful defines                   1
        MAXVIRT value                                256
        Actual size of obtained data space             0
        Number of majors known to VLF                N/A
        Number of eligible majors                     14
        Number of active IDENTIFYs                     0

        Create statistics:
          Largest object create attempted           2030
          Number of successful creates                 5
          Creates for ineligible majors                0
          No pending create                            2
          Major not in search order                    1

        Retrieve statistics:
          Number of successful retrieves               5
          Object may be the correct one                1
          Target area was too small                    1
          May be correct, area too small               0
          Object not found                             2

        Identify statistics:
          Total number of identifies                   2
          Duplicate identify requests                  0
          Unsuccessful identifies                      0
          Current identifies                           2
          Maximum active identifies                    2
          Maximum search order length                  4

The following information appears in this report:

VLFNOTE STATISTICS: This section provides selected VLFNOTE macro statistics.
CROSS-SYSTEM NOTIFICATION STATISTICS: This section provides selected statistics about notification this system received about changes made to shared data by other systems in the same sysplex. These statistics only apply to data in a PDS class.
VLF GENERAL STATISTICS: This section provides selected VLF statistics.
MAJOR NAME STATISTICS: This section provides selected major name statistics.
USER STATISTICS: This section provides selected VLF user statistics.
CLASS STATISTICS: This section provides selected VLF class statistics.