Resolving hostname issues (ERRNO=1 ERRNOJR=78AE1004)

The following steps should be taken to determine why a "hostname cannot be resolved" type or problem has occurred:
Note: Although you might find the hostname through PING or NSLOOKUP commands, you might not be able to find it through the resolver. Take the following steps to determine why a "hostname" cannot be resolved.
  1. To determine the hostname returned for the IBM zAware server location, issue the following command on the logical partition where the IBM zAware server runs:

    hostname -g

    to determine the hostname returned for the IBM zAware server location.

    If this is the hostname you expect, then skip the remainder of this section and go to the next step.

    The TCPIP started task determines its host name when it is started by calling a service to retrieve the value of the stack's TCPIP.DATA HOSTNAME statement.

    The z/OS® UNIX search order is used to find the stack's TCPIP.DATA statements. The host name is determined in the following order:
    1. If the found TCPIP.DATA contains a valid HOSTNAME statement, its value is returned.
    2. If there is no valid HOSTNAME statement, the VMCF node name with which VMCF was started is returned.
    3. If VMCF was not active when the stack was started, the CVTSNAME value (this is the SYSNAME=value in IEASYSxx that was IPLed) is returned.

    If the host name came from TCPIP.DATA, it is in the message case it was specified on the HOSTNAME statement. For VMCF or CVTSNAME the name is upper case. If you cannot determine why TCPIP has the wrong name, add a SYSTCPTT DD to the TCPIP proc and restart TCPIP. This will enable resolver tracing of TCPIP.

    When you fix the hostname issue, TCPIP will have to be recycled to pick up this change.

  2. If the hostname is correct and it does not resolve to a valid IP address, do the following:

    host hostname

    from where z/OS system logger runs and make sure the hostname resolves properly.

    If you get an error that the host is unknown, (for example: EZZ8342I junk: Unknown host), check to see if the hostname has been added to the DNS.

    If the hostname has been added to the DNS and the name still does not resolve to an IP address, then enable a resolver trace for the OMVS session and issue the host command again:

    Export RESOLVER_TRACE= stdout
    host host-name

    If you make any changes to the DNS or local host file, you need to refresh the resolver.
  3. If the ip address does not resolve to a fully qualified domain name, use the following command to verify that a fully qualified domain name is returned and it is the fully qualified domain name expected for the z/OS IBM zAware log stream client:

    host <ip_address>

    where <ip_address> is the ip address the host command returned in prior steps.

    Ensure that this resolves to the expected hostname.

    Note: If you make any changes to the DNS or local host file, you need to refresh the resolver.