Excessive spin CPU record

Instead of being recorded in the SDWA, the logrec for excessive spin (ABEND 071) is recorded in the excessive spin CPU list. The record represents the excessive spin condition. It contains an error ID that matches the error ID in the related SDWA record.

The format of the record for the excessive spin CPU list: The remainder of the record for the excessive spin CPU list is mapped by IHALESCL and shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Format of the logrec excessive spin CPU record
Offset Hex Offset Dec Size Field name Description
0 0 1 LESCL_Version Version number, currently 1
1 1 1   Reserved
2 2 2 LESCL_NumEntries Number of CPUs in the CPU list below.
4 4 2 LESCL_LogicalToPhysicalMask Mask (obtained from ECVTLogicalToPhysicalMask) to convert a logical CPUID to a physical CPUID. Add this value with a CPU's logical ID to obtain its physical ID.
6 6 2 LESCL_Offset Offset from the beginning of the header to an array of CPU entries. Each CPU entry is 2 bytes long, and there are LESCL_NumEntries CPU entries. A non-zero value indicates the CPU for that entry is spinning and contains the logical CPU id of the CPU causing it to spin. A zero value indicates the CPU is not spinning. The first entry of the array represents CPU 0, the second entry represents CPU1, and the same.