Customizing contents through operator commands

The dump options list for Transaction Dumps can be customized through a CHNGDUMP operator command by all the ways shown in Table 1.

Nucleus areas in dumps: Dump options control the parts of the nucleus that appear in a dump. A diagnostician seldom needs to analyze all the nucleus. An installation can eliminate nucleus areas from dumps. If the IBM-supplied defaults are used, Transaction dump for an IEATDUMP macro contains the nucleus map and certain control blocks.

Most problems can be debugged without dumping the nucleus. If a problem arises that requires the nucleus be dumped, use the CHNGDUMP operator command to add the NUC SDATA option to all IEATDUMPs. This also applies to other options.

DAT, dynamic address translation, is the hardware feature that enables virtual storage. In the DAT-on part of the nucleus, the addresses are in virtual storage; in the DAT-off part of the nucleus, the addresses are in central storage.

Table 1. Customizing transaction dump contents through operator commands
Customization Effect Example
Updating IEADMR00 parmlib member Change occurs: At system initialization

What changes: This parmlib member establishes the dump options for Transaction dumps for IEATDUMP macros and SDATA. See Contents of transaction dumps for the list.

To add the link pack area (LPA) to all Transaction dumps for IEATDUMP macros and SDATA, while keeping the local system queue area (LSQA) and trace data, change the line in IEADMR00:
Adding the CHNGDUMP operator command in IEACMD00 parmlib member Change occurs: At system initialization

What changes: This command establishes the dump options for Transaction dumps for IEATDUMP macros and SYSMDUMPS. See Contents of transaction dumps for the list.

To add the link pack area (LPA) to all Transaction dumps for IEATDUMP macros and SYSMDUMP, while keeping the local system queue area (LSQA) and trace data, add the following command to IEACMD00:
Entering CHNGDUMP operator command with SYSMDUMP parameter on a console with master authority Change occurs: Immediately when command is processed
What changes:
  • For the ADD mode: CHNGDUMP options are added to the current Transaction dump options list and to any options specified in the macro or operator command that requested the dump. The options are added to all Transaction dumps for IEATDUMP macros and SYSMDUMP, until another CHNGDUMP SYSMDUMP operator command is entered.
  • For the OVER mode: CHNGDUMP options are added to the current Transaction dump options list. The system ignores any options specified in the macro or operator command that requested the dump. The options override all Transaction dumps for the IEATDUMP macro and SYSMDUMP, until a CHNGDUMP SYSMDUMP,ADD operator command is entered.
  • For the DEL option: CHNGDUMP options are deleted from the Transaction dump options list.

When more than one CHNGDUMP operator command with IEATDUMP is entered, the effect is cumulative.

To add the LPA to all Transaction dumps for the IEATDUMP macro and SYSMDUMP, until changed by another CHNGDUMP SYSMDUMP, enter:
  • To add the CHNGDUMP IEATDUMP options list to all Transaction dumps:
  • To override all Transaction dumps with the CHNGDUMP IEATDUMP options list:
  • To remove LPA from the IEATDUMP options list: