Using automatically allocated dump data sets

SVC dump processing supports automatic allocation of dump data sets at the time the system writes the dump to DASD. Automatically allocated dumps will be written using the system-determined block size. The dump data sets can be allocated as SMS-managed or non-SMS-managed, depending on the VOLSER or SMS classes defined on the DUMPDS ADD command. When the system captures a dump, it allocates a data set of the correct size from the resources you specify. See Choosing SVC dump data sets for DFSMS support of extended format sequential data sets. Using Extended Format Sequential data sets, the maximum size of the dump can exceed the size allowed for non-SMS managed data sets.

If automatic allocation fails, pre-allocated dump data sets are used. If no pre-allocated SYS1.DUMPnn data sets are available, message IEA793A is issued, and the dump remains in virtual storage. SVC Dump periodically retries both automatic allocation and writing to a pre-allocated dump dataset until successful or until the captured dump is deleted either by operator intervention or by the expiration of the CHNGDUMP MSGTIME parameter governing message IEA793A. If you set the MSGTIME value to 0, the system will not issue the message, and it deletes the captured dump immediately.