RCVY trace entries

A RCVY trace entry represents entry into a recovery routine following an error or interruption. Several types of recovery events require reentry in a new environment or address space. Table 1 summarizes when an RCVY trace event requires reentry. Start of changeRCVY also writes records to the system trace table for ESTAE type recovery exits and when the ESTAE type recovery exit requests retry.End of change
Table 1. RCVY trace events that require reentry
Trace Entry for Recovery Event Reentry Trace Entry for Reentry
RCVY ABT Required only if the task to be ended resides in an address space other than the current home address space  
RCVY ITRM Always required RCVY ITRR, if the unit of work ending is locally locked or has an EUT FRR established
RCVY MEM Always required RCVY MEMR
RCVY RCML Always required RCVY RCMR
RCVY STRM Always required RCVY STRR, if the unit of work ending is in SRB mode, is locally locked, or has an EUT FRR established
                                               UNIQUE-4 UNIQUE-5 UNIQUE-6  PSACLHSE- 

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ABRT                    trk-----                    psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ABT           return--  comp---- reas---- rc------  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               asid---- tcb-----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ABTR                    comp---- reas---- rc------  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               asid---- tcb-----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY DAT                     comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY FRR  frr-new- psw-----  comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                                                 fpw-----  psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ITRM          return--  comp---- reas----           psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               pppp---- pppp----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ITRR                    comp---- reas----           psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               pppp---- pppp----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY MCH                     comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY MEM           return--  comp---- reas---- rc------  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               asid----                    psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY MEMR                    comp---- reas----           psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               asid----                    psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY PERC                    comp---- reas----           psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                                                 fpw-----  psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY PROG                    comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY RCML          return--  comp---- reas---- asid----  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               pppp---- pppp----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY RCMR                    comp---- reas----           psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               pppp---- pppp----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY RESM retry--- pswaddr-  comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                            retry--- pswctrl-  cpu-----          fpw-----  psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY RSRT                    comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY RTRY retry--- pswaddr-  comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------   
                            retry--- pswctrl-                    fpw-----  psaclhse- 

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY SABN                    comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY SPRC                    comp---- reas---- psasuper  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               asid---- tcb----- fpw-----  psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY SRBT          return--  comp---- reas---- rc------  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                      srbidtoken-------------------------  psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY STRM          return--  comp---- reas---- tcb-----  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               pppp---- pppp----           psaclhse-

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY STRR                    comp---- reas---- tcb----   psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               pppp---- pppp----           psaclhse-
Start of change
pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ESTA           exit---  sdwa---- parm64-- parm----  psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
                                               alet---- scb-----          psaclhse

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY ESTR  retry--  retry--  exit---- scb-----           psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP

pr home tcb-addr *RCVY SKFE           exit---  scb-----                    psaclhs-  psalocal pasd sasd timestamp-------  CP
End of change
pr: Identifier of the processor that produced the TTE.
home: Home address space identifier (ASID) associated with the TTE.
tcb-addr: Address of the task control block (TCB) for the current task or the work element block (WEB).
The TTE identifier, as follows:
Recovery event. An asterisk (*) always appears before RCVY to indicate an unusual condition.
Type of recovery event, as follows:
  • ABRT: Abort processing for an unrecoverable error during any recovery termination management (RTM) processing
  • ABT: Request for abnormal end of a task by a CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro, with a system or user completion code
  • ABTR: Rescheduling of a CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM request for end of a task, when the task is not in the home address space
  • DAT: RTM1 entered for a dynamic address translation (DAT) error
  • Start of changeESTA: RTM has set up this ESTAE type recovery exit to receive control. Note that when a RCVY ESTA record follows another RCVY ESTA record without an intervening RCVY ESTR record, this implies that the first recovery exit either abended or percolated End of change
  • Start of changeESTR: Retry was requested by this ESTAE type recovery exit. The exit and scb fields in this record can be used to help match it to its corresponding RCVY ESTA record.End of change
  • FRR: RTM1 processing to invoke a function recovery routine (FRR)
  • ITRM: The system requested RTM1 to end an interrupted task
  • ITRR: ITRM reentry, to process a request to end an interrupted task
  • MCH: RTM1 entered for a machine check interruption
  • MEM: Request for abnormal memory end by a CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM macro, with a completion code
  • MEMR: Processing for an abnormal memory end following a MEM event
  • PERC: Percolation from RTM1 to RTM2 to continue recovery processing
  • PROG: RTM1 was entered for a program check interruption
  • RCML: RTM1 was entered to perform special end processing for a task in a failing address space. The failing address space held the local lock of another address space.
  • RCMR: RCML reentry, to process an abnormal end by a resource manager
  • RESM: Resume from an FRR after a RESTART request following an RSRT entry
  • RSRT: RTM entered for a RESTART request from the operator
  • RTRY: Retry from an FRR
  • SABN: The system requested RTM1 to end abnormally the current unit of work
  • Start of changeSKFE: RTM has bypassed giving control to a FESTAE recovery exit because its address is zero. This situation can happen because of a timing window in FESTAE processing, in which case it is not a concernEnd of change
  • SPRC: Final percolation from service request block (SRB) recovery
  • Start of changeSRBT: Request for abnormal termination of a pre-emptable SRB by a CALLRTM TYPE=SRBTERM macro, with a system or user completion codeEnd of change
  • STRM: The system requested RTM1 to end abnormally a suspended task
  • STRR: STRM reentry, to process the abnormal end of a suspended task
For the RESM and RTRY entries, this field contains the z/Architecture® 128-bit old PSW, which appears on two lines:
  • pswaddr: Two words, containing the 64-bit address portion of the PSW
  • pswctrl: Two words, containing the 64-bit "control" portion of the PSW
  • Start of changeexit---: Address of an ESTAE type recovery exit. This is always zero for RCVY SKFE entries.End of change
  • Start of changeretry-- retry-- : Retry address requested by an ESTAE type recovery exit. When retry is to CVTBSM0F, contains the contents of 64-bit GPR15 at the time of the retry request instead of the address of CVTBSM0F.End of change

The frr-new- psw----- field contains the new program status word (PSW) to give control to the FRR. For all other types of recovery events, the return-- field contains the caller's return address.

  • Start of changealet----: Contains the ALET of the parameter area for ESTAE type recovery exits with an ALET qualified parameter area pointer. Otherwise, it contains zero.End of change
  • asid----: Target ASID for end processing.
    • In a SPRC entry, the ASID is for the task that will be abnormally ended by SRB-to-task percolation. If this field and the
    tcb----- field are zero, then no SRB-to-task percolation is performed.
  • exit----: Contains the ESTAE type recovery exit address
  • comp----: System or user completion code
  • cpu-----: Target processor for a restart error indicated on a request for an FRR resume, after an operator RESTART request
  • fpw-----: FRR processing word, in the following format:
    rsxxxxxp xxxxxxxx ssssssss eeeeeeee
    Bit 0 = 1 means a resource manager entry to the FRR
    Bit 1 = 1 means the FRR was skipped
    Bit 7 = 0 means a not serialized SRB-to-task percolation

    Bit 7 = 1 means a serialized SRB-to-task percolation

    The stack index, which is an index of the FRR stack. The index means the following:
    • 0 Normal stack
    • 1 SVC I/O dispatcher super stack
    • 2 Machine check super stack
    • 3 PC FLIH super stack
    • 4 External FLIH super stack 1
    • 5 External FLIH super stack 2
    • 6 External FLIH super stack 3
    • 7 Restart super stack
    • 8 ACR super stack
    • 9 RTM super stack
    The entry index, which is an index of the FRR entry on the stack. The index ranges from 0 through 16. If the current stack is a super stack, an index of 0 indicates a super FRR.
  • Start of changeparm----: Contains the 31-bit parameter address, or the lower 32 bits of the 64-bit parameter address, which is provided to the ESTAE type recovery exit when it gains control.End of change
  • Start of changeparm64--: Contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit parameter address when the ESTAE type recovery exit was established in AMODE 64 End of change
  • pppp---- pppp----: PSW of the interrupted unit of work.
    • The instruction in the PSW may not be the cause of the failure. For example, an interruption can occur because a time limit expired, so that the interrupted instruction is not at fault.
  • psasuper: PSASUPER field in the prefix save area (PSA)
  • rc------: Return code from CALLRTM
  • reas----: Reason code accompanying the completion code appearing in the entry. If not provided, NONE.
  • Start of changesrbidtoken: Uniquely identifies the preemptable SRB, provided via the IEAMSCHD macro and consisting of four unique words on the second line for the RCVY SRBT trace entry only.End of change
  • tasn----: Target ASID for RCML reentry
  • tcb-----: Target task control block (TCB) for end processing
    • In a SPRC entry, the TCB is for the task that will be abnormally ended by SRB-to-task percolation. If this field and the asid---- field are zero, then no SRB-to-task percolation is performed.
    • In a STRM or STRR entry, a TCB address of zero indicates that the request was for ending of a suspended SRB.
  • trk-----: RTM1 error tracking area
  • Start of changescb-----: Contains the address of the STAE control block that represents this ESTAE type recovery exit. Note that for ARR and IEAARR recovery routines, RTM creates a 'pseudo-SCB'. Thus the same SCB address can be seen for multiple ARR or IEAARR recovery exitsEnd of change
  • Start of changesdwa----: Contains the address of the system diagnostic work area that is provided to the ESTAE type recovery exit. If no SDWA is available to the exit, the field contains 0000000CEnd of change
psaclhs-: String for the current lock held, from the PSACLHS field of the PSA.
psaclhse-: Extended string for the current lock held, from the PSACLHSE field of the PSA.
psalocal: Locally locked address space indicator, from the PSALOCAL field of the PSA.
pasd: Primary ASID (PASID) at trace entry.
sasd: Secondary ASID (SASID) at trace entry.
timestamp-------: Time-of-day (TOD) clock value when system trace created the trace entry. The value is in the same format as the time stamp on the logrec data set records.
The CP column contains 2 hex digits of the processor model dependent information, which is intended to identify the physical CP that made the trace entry. CP is only provided when formatting SYSTRACE under IPCS. CP is not provided for SYSUDUMP, SYSABEND, or SNAP.