LISTOBJ control statement

Use the LISTOBJ control statement to obtain listings of selected object modules. LISTOBJ supports traditional object modules as well as object modules in XOBJ or GOFF format.




Specifies a title, from one to 40 characters long, to be printed below the heading line on each page of output. (The heading line identifies the page number and the type of listing being printed, and is not subject to user control.) The position parameter specifies whether or not the title is indented; if TITLE=('title',1) is specified, or if the position parameter is omitted, the title will be printed flush left, that is, starting in the first column. If you want the title indented from the margin, use the position parameter to specify the number of characters to leave blank before the title. If you specify a position greater than 80, the indentation from the margin defaults to 1.
Identifies the DD statement that defines the data set containing the input module. If the DDN parameter is omitted, AMBLIST will assume SYSLIB as the default ddname.
Identifies the input object module by member name or alias name. To specify more than one object module, enclose the list of names in parentheses and separate the names with commas.
  1. You must include the MEMBER parameter if the input object modules exist as members in a partitioned data set (PDS or PDSE). If you do not include the MEMBER parameter, AMBLIST will assume that the input data set is organized sequentially and that it contains a single, continuous object module.
  2. AMBLIST will accept member names up to 63 bytes in length. For aliases longer than 63 bytes, their primary member names must be entered instead.
  3. If the DD name associated with this operation is allocated to a z/OS® UNIX System Services directory, there must also be a MEMBER parameter specifying the file or files in that directory.
    Example: Processing a pathname: In this example, AMBLIST processes the pathname /path/to/dir/longmembername.
    //SYSLIB DD PATH='/path/to/dir'
    //SYSIN DD *
     LISTOBJ MEMBER=longmembername