Naming automatically allocated dump data sets

The application has control of the name of the data sets created by the automatic allocation function, and you can select a name-pattern to allow for dump data set organization according to your needs. The name is determined through an installation-supplied pattern on the DSN(AD) keyword in the IEATDUMP macro.

Names must conform to standard MVS™ data set naming conventions and are limited to 44 characters, including periods used as delimiters between qualifiers. A set of symbols is available so that you can include the following kinds of information in the names of your automatically allocated dump data sets:
For a complete list of the symbols you can use, see the explanation of DUMPDS NAME= in z/OS MVS System Commands.
  1. The &SEQ. symbol is not supported for IEATDUMPs.
  2. You can use the &DS. symbol for splitting the dump between several data sets. When the &DS. symbol is added to the end of the DSN name pattern, the transaction dump data can be placed into as many as 999 automatically-allocated 500M-extent data sets. Note that you must combine all the data sets into one data set using IPCS COPYDUMP before IPCS can process the data.

When determining the pattern for the dump data set names, consider any automation tools you may have at your installation that work on dump data sets.

Figure 1 describes a SPFUSER name pattern. Note that the symbols are resolved into date and time, so they are preceded by an alphabetic character to conform to MVS data set name requirements. Also, the symbol starts with an ampersand (&) and ends with a period (.), resulting in a name pattern that has double periods when a symbol finishes a qualifier. One period ends the symbol, and the second serves as the delimiter between qualifiers of the generated data set name.

Figure 1. SPFUSER name pattern for automatically allocated dump data set
APPL  .  TDUMP  .  D  &DATE.  .  T  &TIME.  .  &SYSNAME.  .  &JOBNAME.
─┬──  │  ──┬──  │  │  ──┬───  │  │  ──┬───  │  ───┬─────  │  ────┬────
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Automatically allocated dump data sets are not added to the system's sysplex dump directory, as it is for SVC dumps.