CCW error codes

Table 1. CCW error codes
Error code (Hex) Error Code Name Description
04 IOINSPAC Insufficient space in table
05 IOX4K Target crosses 4K boundary
06 IOLASTCC Last CCW not trace
07 IOSRCHCD Search CCW with data chain
08 IOINSCNT Insufficient count
09 IOCPUNAV Channel program unavailable
0A IORCKD8 Read CKD with count <8
0B IONOIDAW No IDAW where needed
0D IOTICBAD Invalid TIC address
0E IOEBIDA IDAL across page bound
0F IOEBIDAL IDAL not aligned on correct boundary
10 IOMIDNOQ MIDAW not aligned on correct boundary
11 IOMIDZCT MIDAW contains a zero count
12 IOMIDPBD MIDAW crosses a page boundary (ignored if the skip bit is on)
13 IOMIDIDA Both the IDAW and MIDAW bits are on
14 IONOTCW Failure accessing TCW
15 IONOTCAH Failure accessing TCA header
16 IONOTSB Failure accessing TSB
17 IONOTIDA Failure accessing TIDAW
18 IONODCW Failure accessing DCW
19 IOINCMDL TCW command length in error
1A IOCmdParmInvalid Command dependent parameters contain invalid information