List the modules in the link pack area and the contents of the DAT-on nucleus

You can list all modules in the fixed link pack area, the modified link pack area, and the pageable link pack area.

To map link pack area modules, invoke AMBLIST with the LISTLPA control statement. For sample output, see LISTLPA output.

You can also produce a map and cross-reference listing of a nucleus.

To map the contents of the DAT-on nucleus, invoke AMBLIST with the LISTLOAD MEMBER=IEANUCxx control statement.

Figure 1 shows how to use the LISTLOAD and LISTLPA control statements to list a system nucleus and map the fixed link pack area, the modified link pack area, and the pageable link pack area. Note that in this example the data set containing the nucleus is named SYS1.NUCLEUS, and the nucleus occupies the member named IEANUC01. The map no longer represents the IPL version of the nucleus and message AMB129I will be issued. Use IPCS to format the NUCMAP. For information on using IPCS, see z/OS MVS IPCS User's Guide and z/OS MVS IPCS Commands.
Figure 1. Example: Listing a system nucleus and the link pack area
   //LISTNUC      JOB     MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
   //SYSPRINT     DD      SYSOUT=A
   //    VOL=SER=nnnnn
   //SYSIN        DD      *
SYSLIB DD Statement
Defines the input data set, which in this case contains the nucleus.
SYSIN DD Statement
Defines the data set containing AMBLIST control statements, which follows immediately.
LISTLOAD control statement
Instructs AMBLIST to format the control and text records including the external symbol dictionary and relocation dictionary records of the load module IEANUC01 in the data set defined by the SYSLIB DD statement. It also specifies a title for each page of output, to be indented 25 characters from the left margin.
LISTLPA control statement
Instructs AMBLIST to map the fixed link pack area (FLPA), the modified link pack area (MLPA), and the pageable link pack area (PLPA).